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This chapter includes Strong language and body shaming.

No one's POV:
"hey everyone, I'm miss Josephine Obar, but you can call me JoJo, kinda like YoYo but with a J." The mystery teacher giggled, trying to make a joke to connect with the class, which didn't go well causing Evelyn to smile, 'I beginning to like this teacher' Evelyn thought to herself. "I'm an English teacher so I know some of you but I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. Well, your names are on the map in the old stairwell. that one that's out of bounds." comments were being thrown around the classroom. The new kid shot his hand up in confusion. "Um, what map?" He asked but JoJo just laughed. "Okay, very funny. Look peeps, we're not dumb. we know a lot of you are sexually active, but we can see this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to a sexual relationship. so, we want to address it head-on". The teacher continued "this is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy-" Woodsy interrupted JoJo.

"a sexual literacy tutorial!"

"SLT, so we're sluts?" Darren suggested closing the class to erupt with laughter, Spider doing inappropriate gestures with Ant, plus Evelyn and Harper doing scissoring motions with the hands jokingly. Woodsy got everyone to shut up and let JoJo continue. "because clearly, you have a lot to learn in that department it will happen twice a week, in your own time until we judge that you have started to respect each other and yourselves." this caused a lot of shouting in the class. Evelyn heard spider say behind her "thanks map bitch".

"you have to attend every class or else it will go on your permanent record" Woodsy added as the shouting dialled down. Ant than looked up in confusion "wait we have permanent records?" he questioned everyone. Sasha and Harper looked at each other with a smile and said "this is literally sex gail!" in unison. Yet again Malakai began to protest. "sorry. Um, it's actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be here." spider began laughing, "legend! made it on the map before you even started" he then leaned over giving Malachi a friendly high five. Evelyn's face brought up disappointment as she rested her head down on the table again. "He's a prick," Sasha began with a laugh, "A very fit prick who's actually sweet at times" Evelyn added. The four girls laughed a little before being interrupted by Woodsy again.

"all right everybody, stand up!, up, up, up, up! clear these tables to the side, please. lift them, don't drag them on the floor-" tables began to squeak as they were pushed across the floor interrupting woodsy, she began to sigh but tries to ignore them, cuddling her dog to her chest. "thank you. Now, I want you all to start walking around the room. come on, walk!" the students reluctantly began to walk around the classroom looking at each other with concern and confusion. "now, I want you to choose three people to shake hands with" Spider was the closest person to Evelyn so she put her hand out causing Spider to jokingly grab her hand and shake it like an idiot, Missy was the next person that she saw, so Evelyn put her hand out and shook her friends hand sweetly, finally she shook hands with Ant, sharing a smile between eachother. As everyone shook hands with everyone Evelyn notice Amerie standing in the corner hands to herself, Ignoring her feelings of guilt she walked away and stood next to spider.

"Spencer," woodsy began. "you have genital crabs" the class erupted with rolls of laughter as Spider shook his head, Evelyn jokingly took a step away from him causing him to push her of fun. "not in real life!" Woodsy informed the class "put your hand up, Spencer" he refused so Evelyn walked up to him and put his hand in the air. "thank you, Evelyn, now, hands up if he shook hands with Spencer." Evelyn Dusty and Ant put their hands up, "who shook hands with them?" a few more students put their hands up, "and them" the rest of the students put their hands up except for Amerie. "you all have genital warts" woodsy announced, Causing all the students to put their hands down and a few kids to snicker, and Spider to jokingly nudge Evelyn slightly. The new kid then put his hand up as woodsy pointed to him.

"I thought it was crabs?" he questioned her.

"right, crabs. thank you. Um-"

"Malakai" the kid smiled finishing for her. As Woodsy nodded,

"you all have genital crabs, except for you Amerie, well done" she smiled to the lonely girl, as a few of the girls laughed to themselves. "what does this highlight the need for?" Woodsy questioned us. Ca$h stepping forward.

"To stay away from spider because he's chat" Spider smiled, and Evelyn giggled.

"Fuck off." Woodsy sighed, waving her arms around.

"No condoms!" the bell then rang signalling that the kids could leave, and all the children began to walk out of the classroom, Amerie began to walk to the door passing the table that Dusty, Spider and Ant were at. she continued to walk but was stopped by dusty speaking. "Hey, um, did we hook up?" Dusty questioned Amerie.


"Yeah, I didn't think so, but it says here..."

"It isn't anything" Evelyn walked over to the table to see what was happening.

"There's like a... It's like a gold line between our names?"

"Gold line means destined." Spider added wrapping an arm around Evelyn's shoulder "Yeah, like destined to be. She wants you, Dusty."

"There's one on your name too Spider so shut up"

"What, let me see" Spider grabbed the phone out of Dusty's hands and looked at it "hmm, Evie looks like you and me are destined" He laughed looking at her. Witch made Evelyn both happy and sad, 'Destined but is he happy about that or just think its funny?' she thought to herself removing Spiders arm and walking out of the classroom head down.

After school:
Evelyn's POV:
Eventually I got home praying that mum and dad were still at work, Woodsy had called home and told mum about my name being on the map link to a few different people. I opened the front door, with no sign of mum. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I entered the living room and began walking up the stairs, I was about to go into my room when I noticed my mother's door was still open. 'shit' I thought to myself, 'mum only leaves her door open when she's home'. I walked over to my parents room and poked my head in slightly, "mum, dad are you home?" I questioned but got no answer, so I began to walk to my room, opening the door I saw my mother sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"What the fuck is this? your principle called, and your school was on the news for some sex map, the incest map?" my mother questioned me. "Evie, they were multiple lines connected to your name... this is slut behaviour, you are 16 years old do you think this is seriously appropriate, how many people did you fuck!"

"I didn't fuck anyone mum, I kissed a few people!"

"Bullshit, you're a slut and I'm done with you! I don't even know why anybody would want you, you look like a potato you're just a fat slut, what do you think your father would say!"

"Well, I'm sorry I'm such a big disappointment to you and dad, if you really hate me that much then I'll just leave." I yelled at her with tears in my eyes.

"Fine go then" mum screamed walking out of my room and slamming the door, I ran to my closet and packed a small bag with a few things. I than ran down the stairs walking out of the house and slamming the door. I didn't know where I was going but I just couldn't stay here, after a while I ended up at a park, I sat down on the bench thinking about what to do, I ended up calling Harper but got no response, I than remembered what Spider had said earlier about going to his. I grabbed my phone again scrolling through and finding Spiders name witch took a bit because I had him under Web. I put the phone to my ear and he picked up almost immediately, "Evie, is everything okay?" he questioned me. "Um, yer mum just screamed at me and I ran out..." I began "can I-"

"Come over, of course anytime" he said interrupting me, I giggled a bit.

"I'll be over soon"


"Yes Web" He laughed at that.

"I need to talk to you about something"

"Yer whats up?"

"Um I..."

"I need you, Web."Where stories live. Discover now