What did you do?

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This chapter contains strong language, blood and cutting


Evelyn POV:

"No, we can't walk around saying there names we need codes like fruits or salads".

"really, what the fuck Am this is both a shit and good idea we are gonna look like dickheads."

"Shut up" Amerie laughed to me pushing me of the bed.

"Shit careful A" we laughed as I got on Amerie's bed again.

"OK we're gonna try your weird Idea Am, but if one person makes fun of me I'm gonna punch you in the face"

"bet, I have a good one dusty is gonna be one of my favourite fruits mango"

"Amerie crushing on Mango yum." We laughed. "Okay um mine will be..." I thought for a second. "Watermelon because he is tough on the outside but sweet and juicy on the inside"

"yer a watermelon would crush Spider"

"Shut up Harper" the two of us laughed again.

We spent hours making up code names for everything.

Dusty = Mango

Spider = Watermelon

DTF = Salad

Assault = Cheese

Physical Assault = Grated cheese

Sextual Assault = Sliced Cheese


Evelyn's POV:

I got up and looked in the mirror, taking off my sweatshirt I looked at all the bruises and Hicky's I looked through the cupboard to find something to clean it with when I grabbed out a blade. I held it in my hand shacking as I looked at it, a single tear dropped from my eye, flashes of him holding my, his lips on my body, his hands in my shirt, I turned over my left arm and stared at the bruise on my wrist it was now purple but the swelling had gorn down, I traced my pointer finger along the faded scares from months ago. I hadn't done this since my last horrid encounter with my father, something in my brain switched and I was like I was in a trance, after I snapped out of it their were multiple cuts up and down my arm, some deep some not as much, I fell to the floor dropping the blade and curling into a ball, I heared the door open next to me and I looked up to see Spider looking at me. "Evie, what are you doin-" He began before looking at my wrist. "Evie what did you do!" He dropped to the floor in front of me before grabbing my arm and holding in out to see what I did.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop and i-" I cried looking down as he held my arm.

A few minutes later:

After he found me he sat me on the toilet and began to clean my arm, he wouldn't look me in the eyes, I understood why but it hurt. After he wrapped it up in a bandage he walked out of the bathroom me following behind him.

Spider's POV:

I woke up to find Evelyn not next to me, suddenly I heared a thud from the bathroom I jumped up and ran to the door "Evie what are you doin-" I was cut of seeing her sitting on the floor shirtless and crying, I looked on the floor around her to see if she landed on anything when, I saw one of my razor blades on the floor next to her, she looked up at me reviling her bloody arm. "Evie, what did you do?" I asked her dropping down in front of her, the blood dripped onto the floor and onto her pants.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop and I-" she began before crying more, after a bit I got her up and got her to sit on the toilet so I could clean up her arm. While I cleaned I dint look her in the eye I was mad that she did this but my guilt and sadness took over, I looked up slightly to see all the hicky and bruises on her upper body, I couldn't look at the pain she had for any longer so I finished wrapping her arm and I got up walking into the room and turning to face her. "Put these on" I told her handing her a pair of her shorts and one of my sweat shirts. She was about to walk back into the bathroom when I stopped her. "No, change in here I wont look" I said tuning around I heard her behind me as she put on the clothes.

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