[1.2] Imprisonment

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「Lust Y/n POV」

The metal bars screeched as the scantily clad officer roughly dragged you by the arm and threw you into the cell.

"Wait, you can't lock me up!" You protested. "It was self defence!"

"This is the third time this week, punk!" Undyne told you as the heavy bars slammed against the wall, locking you into a cage that you had to share with three other women. "No talking, no breathing, or you get ten more years."

"I've heard about jail..." Rosie whispered from your shoulder. "And golly, it ain't fun."

"I don't belong in prison!" You outwardly complained, crossing your arms. "Prison is for scum and lowlives."

"Uh... Y/n?" Rosie hesitantly spoke up as he felt three sets of eyes staring daggers into his frail flowery body.

You slowly turned around to see the other women in the cell, who were going to be your cell mates, giving you looks of anger and disapproval.

The first one appeared to be a cheap prostitute with a tight dress and a feathery boa around her neck, the second one seemed to be some sort of bandit with a bandana on her head, and the third one was part of some gang with a tattoo of a snake slithering down the side of her body.

"Except for you guys. I'm sure you're all wonderful people. Maybe later we can all get together and-" You casually said before you cut yourself off and started shaking the bars. "Get me out of here!"

"Don't act like you're any better." Rosie said with an eye roll.

"Gimme your shoes, princess." The gangster ordered, her chains rattling as she rose from her seat on the bench.

"I'm not giving you my shoes." You scoffed as if this was a joke.

The taller woman slowly approached you, staring you down as she did so, her heels clicking loudly on the cement cell floors as you calculated her moves.

"L/n, you're free to go." Undyne said as Officer Blook closed the bars behind you, locking the other woman just before she could follow you out.

You blew a raspberry before running to Sans and clinging to his arm as you left the general jail together. "Thanks for bailing me out... again."

"You gotta stop getting into trouble, sweetie." Lust sternly said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as you held onto his arm and walked home together. "Hey, honey?"

"Yeah?" You hummed, and glanced up at him to see his smile seemed more strained than usual in a deep frown.

"I know you're busy helping your new friend and all, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to get involved in the multiverse again." Lust gently voiced his concerns with worried pinpricks. "People gang up all the time and..."

"You worry too much..." You said as you gave him a reassuring smile, though he didn't seem convinced.

「Cross Sans POV」

Cross stood in his incomplete world, his safe space, evaluating his progress as everything seemed to be going to plan when he felt his bones rattle as black tar seeped around him, and he gritted his teeth.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Nightmare coolly said, sending shivers down his spine. "What did you expect? That I would take you wherever you wanted and then I wouldn't come back until you called me as if I were a dog?"

"At least I don't have to beg you to help me come back to my world." Cross argued, becoming more arrogant with every word that came out of his mouth. "Whatever. I want you to take me to the next world... It's called Story-"

AU! Sans x AU! Reader: Under the Surface 2Where stories live. Discover now