Xtra Scenes

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These are extra scenes, shorts that wouldn't make it to the actual story because it's too random. I'm not a crackfic writer but I envy the freedom, so I wrote this for fun.

Xtra Scene I
If Nightmare's Castle was a School

"Does anyone know the answer?" Nightmare turned around from the chalkboard outlining their next strategy to eye the recruits seated at the school desks.

Killer Sans and Killer Y/n were both in the front row, trying to outdo one another as they eagerly raised their hands to get their beloved boss's attention.

Horror was in the middle row, eating a chicken leg in class, and Dust was the quiet one at the very back with his hood over his head.

Cross boredly sat by the window where he could gaze out at the corruption that shrouded the castle, Nightmare Y/n by his other side.

"I remember, it's five." Horror raised his hand.

"How can he remember?" Cross scratched his skull in confusion at the gaping hole in Horror's skull.

"5..." Dust quietly spoke.

"Horror already answered." Nightmare dismissed him.

"4... 3... 2..." Dust continued to count down as he reached into his worn blue hood and pulled out a revolver.

"Do you see that?!" Nightmare Y/n called out as they stood up from their seat.

"They can speak?!" Killer gasped as his already tiny pinpricks disappeared from his sockets, having his mind blown at the realisation that the princess had actually spoken.

"These idiots give me a migraine..." Nightmare rubbed his temples with one of his tentacles as he heard gunshots followed by screaming.

Xtra Scene II
If the Star Sanses Base was a School

"I have no words right now." Dream put his hands on his hips as his stern golden pinpricks stared down the three members sitting at the school desks in front of him.

"How do you have no words if you just spoke?" Blue raised his gloved hand with confused pinpricks.

"GET OUT!" Dream snapped, and there was the patter of small feet as the blueberry fled the classroom. "You know, in my 500 years of teaching, I have NEVER seen test grades this bad."

"Excuse me." Outer Y/n politely raised their hand as they neatly sat at their desk. "You just gave us the test. We didn't even learn anything..."

"Look, I've been doing this for a long time so I know it's not me." Dream shrugged.

"So if we all fail the test, what do you mean it's not you? It's obviously you." Outer Y/n argued as Ink pulled out his phone to check the time.

"IS THAT A CELL PHONE?!" Dream yelled, causing Ink to drop it in surprise. "This is NOT the time for cell phones! You failed the test. Put the phone away!"

"I was just checking the time..." Ink whimpered.

Xtra Scene III
When Someone Bails You out of Jail

"Wake up, punk." Undyne said as you heard the sound of metal bars softly screeching. "Someone bailed you out."

Lust Y/n looked around in confusion as they scanned the room for a special someone who always bailed them out. "Sans...?"

Waiting for you was another version of yourself that looked identical to Classic Y/n but they had a hat over their head and were reading a book upside down until they saw you.

"Who the f#ck are you...?" You asked, unsure of what universe they came from. They looked too common.

"Y/n..." They shyly told you their name. "I'm from UnderSwap."

"Okay, Swap Y/n..." You eye them suspiciously before raising a brow. "Did you... bail me out of jail?"


"Well... Why?"

"I wanted to show you my hat." They nervously told you as they motioned to the sunhat on their head.

"You bailed me out of jail... to show me your hat?"

"Yeah, I just bought it."

"Wasn't my bail like... 20,000G?" You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.

"25,000..." They corrected you, and an awkward silence fell between you until they spoke again. "So do you like it-"

"No, not really..." You cut them off at the end. "No."

Xtra Scene IV
When Epic Chara Visits UnderFell

"You are trashh..." Fell Chara laughed as they mashed the buttons on their controller next to their friend.

"No, I'm not!" Epic Chara argued. "These guys are cheaters."

"You just suck."

"Screw off!"

There was a quiet knock on the door before Fell Y/n timidly entered the room. "Excuse me, Chara... I-"

They noticed the mess and furrowed their eyebrows in frustration. "Chara M/n L/n. Clean this room, right now."

"Get the f#ck out of my room, Y/n." Fell Chara talked back, and Epic Chara widened their eyes in surprise.

"Chara, clean up your room this instant." Fell Y/n crossed their arms.

"GET OUT, BITCH!" Fell Chara snapped, throwing down the controller.

Epic Chara just sat there quietly and watched as Fell Chara continued to berate Fell Y/n for coming into their room, using words they weren't even allowed to say back in EpicTale.

Fell Y/n eventually left, holding back tears, and Fell Chara picked up the controller again as if nothing just happened.

"You talk to your Y/n like that...?" Epic Chara hesitantly asked. "My Y/n would kill me..."

"This is my room." Fell Chara assertively said. "I do what I want."

Xtra Scene V
When Fell Chara Visits EpicTale


Epic Y/n busted the door open without knocking and noticed the mess. "Clean this room, right now."

"Okay, Y/-" Epic Chara was about to answer when they felt a hand on their shoulder.

"I got this, partner." Fell Chara whispered to them before turning to you. "We do whatever we want here!"

Epic Y/n pointed to themself in disbelief before looking around as if to make sure there was no one else in the room. "You talking to me?"

"You're gonna die..." Epic Chara shook their head in defeat.

Fell Chara was about to speak again when they were struck by a blinding purple flash of electricity, and everything went white.


Although this is crack writing, it still somewhat resembles the characters though it is exaggerated to help you remember who is who. It is a challenge to have multiple Y/ns and not have the reader confuse them.

AU! Sans x AU! Reader: Under the Surface 2Where stories live. Discover now