[2.5] The Wanderer

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「Error Y/n POV」

The anti-void wasn't as empty as it used to be. In front of you, dangling from your own red strings of fate, were two souls in particular, or one soul and two halves to be more exact.

One consisted of pure determination making up one half and an eerie purple essence that made up the other half, hastily patched together.

"So. This is what Ink's been after?" You checked it with a hand to your chin in thought as you looked at it.

The other was a purple soul that glowed strong with perseverance. While determination kept humans moving forward no matter what, perseverance was the ability to be dauntless and unmoving.

It was a hybrid trait of determination and patience that once belonged to another version of yourself, but you had lost the body.


You didn't flinch, and remained calm as you glanced next to you to see a Sans with funky coloured clothing and a gold tooth, a backwards cap, and sunglasses that read, YO-LO.

"Yo, broski! Long time no see!" Fresh burst into the anti-void, the puff of his fresh poof causing the two anomalies to sway in front of you. "Howzzitgoin'?"

"Die." You only said and whipped the parasite back with your red cords in annoyance as he got in your face.

"Ya can't destroy me, brah." Fresh wiggled a finger in disapproval as if he was lecturing a kid. "I'm your friend. Friends are rad yo, don't do dat-"

"Friends? You and me?" You repeated with an unimpressed look on your face. "Friends are useful. You're just a liability."

"It's so cool, yo!" His voice was now behind you, and you slowly turned to see the unwanted visitor mesmerised by the alluring purple soul hanging by a red thread, his glasses having changed text to now read, CO-OL.

"Don't touch it." You told him as your strings seemed to move on their own, pulling the two souls up to the ceiling of the void with a zip sound. "No touching, no talking, and no breathing."

"Dat it? Those da only rulez?" Fresh smirked as a dark expression came over his face.

"Why are you saying it like that?" You started to glitch uncomfortably and took a step back as he took a step forward. "Yes, those are my only rules."

"No reason, brah..." Fresh shrugged as the text on his lenses switched to say, UH-OH. "No radical reason at all."

「Outer Y/n POV」

Working with the Star Sanses was a job that required a lot of dedication. You were only ever home to rest, so you would always be exhausted whenever you got the chance to see your own Sans at the end of the day.

"Ink has been acting strange lately..." You spoke as you looked up at the stars. "Skipping meetings, neglecting his duties..."

"Don't worry..." Dream gently sighed. "I'll go and see what he's doing now. You should rest after all we've done today... Thank you, as always."

"What about you?"

"I'm the guardian of positivity. I don't necessarily need rest." Dream softly chuckled. His laugh was like a small bell that chimed and filled the air with positivity. It was pleasant.

"You're a guardian with a whole lot of problems..." You only said as the stars began to fade, leaving the sky empty.

"So, until we meet again..." Dream gave you a weary smile before disappearing into a warm yellow portal. And just like that, he was gone.

AU! Sans x AU! Reader: Under the Surface 2Where stories live. Discover now