[2.9] Unreconciled Stars

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「Outer Y/n POV」

You walk close next to Outer with your hands clasped behind your back. He would occasionally glance back at you as if to make sure you were still by his side and chuckle.

"You're star-ting to worry me, sweetie." He says as he reaches out to hold your hand in his, his phalanges filling the gaps between your fingers.

"Ah..." You softly hum and close your eyes as you gently squeeze the skeletal hand. "Just a little outer it..."

The smooth ridges of his bones and joints feel soothing against your soft skin as the puffy sleeve of his sweater lightly brushes against yours.

Your quiet footsteps come to a sudden stop as you freeze.

「Killer Y/n POV」

You boredly tossed the black knife in your hand, catching it by the handle, before hurling it at a small one eyed monster, an astigmatism, and watching it disintegrate to dust.

Tightly coiled in one tentacle was XChara as another smoothly swirled in front of him to offer a monster soul, the upside down white heart idly floating.

"Here you go, your new soul." You calmly crossed your arms over your target-like soul. "You'll learn to love it."

"I told you I need the vial, not an ordinary soul!" XChara turned away, his teeth gritted, as he refused to consume the monster soul.

"This is trying my patience..." You narrowed your eyes in annoyance.

"If you refuse to take it, I'll kill you." Nightmare threatened as he, too, was starting to lose his patience. "I'm sick of your tantrums."

「The Wanderer POV」

"It would take me a while to explain and I'm actually kinda in a hurry..." Sans stuffed his hands into his blue hood pockets as he walked with you. "Have you seen someone like me wearing a different outfit?"

There was a short silence as you look up at the stars in thought before your strong purple gaze meets his soft white pinpricks once again. "No, just the version of you native to this universe."

"I gotcha." Sans closes his sockets in contemplation, and you continue to walk at your own pace in silence. He opens his sockets again and turns to you. "You don't talk much, do you?"

"Is that the person you are looking for?" Your voice breaks the silence as you motion to someone that closely resembles him, but dripping in tar.

「Killer Y/n POV」

"Don't be a brat, Chara." You scoffed as you put a hand under his chin to force him to look at the monster soul. "Why don't you leave the thinking up to me?"

"Yuck. If I were you, I wouldn't touch those things." Error says, and you all glance up to see him casually sitting on a nearby brick wall watching the whole thing.

He dangles a soul in his strings. "I can see you miss your original soul so much."

The soul consists of two halves. Half of it is pure determination, and half of it is a strange purple essence.

"You...!" XChara growled.

"Are you seeking for attention again?" Nightmare asked, annoyed.

"How funny, Nightmare..." Error laughs as he tugs the soul and allows it to zip up into a small glitchy portal. "Actually I've been very busy, but I wanted to ask you something..."

His expression quickly turns to one of rage as he closes his hand into a fist. "WHERE IS INK, TELL ME NOW DAMN IT!!!"

"Since he stopped taking his vials to have feelings, I can't detect his presence..." Nightmare answers indifferently before his mouth stretches into a sinister smile as he glances to the side. "... but you can ask those four over there who won't mind their own business."

「Outer Y/n POV」

"They saw us." Outer takes a step back as he starts to nervously sweat, protectively keeping you behind him.

Sans and the wanderer had joined you not long ago.

"We have to leave. Now." Sans firmly says with shrunken pinpricks, taking the wanderer by the hand.

Several blue strings swing out, ready to wrap around your soul. You look to the side to see Sans manages to teleport back with the wanderer, when Outer pushes you back too.

"Hey, Y/n..." Outer looks back at you, and your bright blue eyes meet his gentle white pinpricks for the last time. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

You widen your eyes as you fall back, getting caught in another pair of arms as Sans catches you.

Three blinding beams of light fade as his gaster blasters eliminate the strings, and Outer stands on the brick wall opposite to Error.

「Killer Y/n POV」

"We never asked to be in this position." Outer says in a warning tone as his left eye glows a faint blue.

"... then we apologise, almighty judge." You sarcastically say, glancing up at him from the corner of your eyes and not moving from your spot.

"Let me ask you a question..." He then says with serious pinpricks. "Do you wanna have a bad time?"

"Is this..." You teleport up a few feet above him with your black knife in hand, ready to attack. "... the answer you were looking for?"

「Outer Y/n POV」

You watch as his dust scatters on the ground below. The killer stands over the empty hood with a victorious smile on their face, knife still in hand.

The wanderer has no reaction, incapable of providing one without a soul, and Sans feels his pinpricks shrink to the size of needles.

"Y/n...!" Sans reaches out to you, only to fail as you teleport away to stand face to face with the killer.

Although they had just taken Sans from you, you considered him to be your everything, so in a way, they had taken everything from you.

"Why do you have to take everything from me?" You calmly ask as your intense blue gaze burns into them.

"You deserve to have everything taken from you..." They respond as their smile fades into a scowl.

They disappear with a double click, and the encounter initiates.

You attempt to scan the battlefield to catch your hidden opponent, but before you do, they deliver a blow to your shoulder that knocks you off balance.

"No, you will get... your comeuppance." You say in a weak voice as you clutch your bleeding arm from the ground, shivering, and look up at them towering over you.

"Are you scared?" They smirk, and their knife disappears. "Good."


Originally it is Killer Sans that kills Outer Sans, but in this story it is Killer Y/n for a good reason. Outer Y/n would have been able to defeat Killer Sans, and losing to Killer Y/n will affect Outer Y/n's mentality. Outer Y/n has little reaction to the death of Outer Sans because they lack strong emotions, but they have ideals and goals so they still act.

AU! Sans x AU! Reader: Under the Surface 2Where stories live. Discover now