So Close, But So Far

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     I sat on the bench next to Hopper watching the snow fall gently to the ground. I remember the first time I saw snow, at the time my sisters and I were in Tennessee, we didn't stay for long, only for the winter, just until it was warm enough for us to go traveling on our feet again. It was good time though. The three of us sat cuddled up together in front of the motel window watching the soft, white, snowflakes hit the ground. Some disappeared, but some stayed.

     Sadly this was different. It was only moments before we could meet our deaths. Sure, we have a possibly of getting out since we knew what we were dealing with, but Enzo said that even if the monster was slain, we'd still have to escape, but knowing how our last one ended, this time we could be shot on the spot.

     The cell door opened again. My chest tightened and my heart pounded. I stood up with Hopper and walked out with him, the two of us squeezed together like personal space wasn't a thing.

     We stepped back out into the court, all of us lining up where we were told to, getting down on our knees. The lead guard stood up in front of us holding up a key, speaking loud enough so we could hear, but of course Hopper and I couldn't understand. Finally he dropped the key on the ground and began to walk out with the other guards, leaving us by ourselves. Still and quiet.  "Let us hope our prayers have been heard." Enzo said. Suddenly the sound of growling and scratching erupted. Each and every one of our heads turned to the metal doors sitting to our right. A harsh shiver followed by a dropping feeling invaded me, my heart pounding harder than before. "No matter what, stay close to me kid. Okay?" Hopper said. I nodded, jumping when an alarm blared.

     Enzo dove for the key in front of him as the rest of us got up then took off to a cage full of supplies. Enzo unlocked it and the prisoners started grabbing. "American." Enzo called, he tossed a sphere over to Hopper, he caught it and pulled out a cloth that he had ripped off his jacket and started to wrap it around the weapon.

     Another alarm sounded. Ahead the doors from earlier began to slowly open. All the prisoners gathered up in front of it with their weapons out and ready. Hopper finished wrapping the sphere then stepped up opening his container of alcohol and dumping it over the cloth. I stepped up with him and went to stand beside him but he went and pushed me behind. I didn't argue and held on to make sure I didn't lose him. "You still got that lighter kid?" I nodded and pulled it out my pocket and handed it to him.

     He popped it open and went to light the sphere but the flame wouldn't ignite. "Oh come on!" My heart finally stopped pounding and dropped, we were doomed. "Come on, Come on!" Hoppers rising irritation made me tense up, suddenly reminding me how much I hate yelling, even if it's coming from someone I know isn't harmful.

"Tell me that's not out of fluid." Enzo said.

"Come on! Come on!"

     As Hopper continued to try and light his sphere I froze, I could feel it's energy, it's anger. It's here.

     Just as I presumed, something came jumping out the doors and over Enzo attacking the first Russian in front of him then attacking others, slamming them against walls, throwing them on the ground, blood splattering from left and right. It came to a stopped and turned to Enzo, it's face opened sending out an ear piercing roar. It was like my life flashed before my eyes, one thing after another blocking my vision, the memory of a large tentacle covering my face, injecting me with painful substances.

     I shook and jumped listening to Hopper cheer as he finally got the sphere to light. As the Demogorgon came at Enzo Hopper ran in front, with me behind him, and pointed the weapon at the monster, pushing it away, somehow, I could almost feel a tingle on my face as if the flames were coming towards me. "Get back! Get back!" It growled at him but then it's attention was turned to the prisoner trying to climb his way out, it ran to him and tore him down from the wall and stated eating at his head. Hopper reached behind and covered my eyes as if I hadn't seen this stuff before hand.

     I felt him wrap an arm around me and rush over to the doors from earlier, on the way Enzo had grabbed a pickaxe and was now attempting to pry the door open.

     As the monster finished off the last prisoner Hopper pushed me further behind him, the fire on the sphere beginning to die down. It came at us but jumped back every time Hopper lurched at him. "Get back!" He shouted. The Demogorgon didn't do so, swiping at the sphere in Hoppers hand, trying to knock it out, but it was useless by now, the fire was almost gone, and as soon as it was, so were we. "We're losing time here!" Hopper called to Enzo. I looked back at him, that very moment the pick he had snapped, at the same time, the flame on the sphere went out, ending with the Demogorgon swiping the weapon from Hoppers hand. We were finally at the moment of death, we were at our doom.

But that's what I thought.

Then I remembered. I remembered more.

"Max!" And there, just as the monster jumped at us, I rushed in front of Hopper, putting my hands up and shutting my eyes tight. In a way, if this didn't work, I was expecting to feel my skin get torn from my body, but instead, the only thing there was a low growl.

     I opened my eyes and looked up at the monster, it stood above me, still, unresponsive. I exhaled with a huff then tried to remember more. As I did, I slowly got down on my knees, the Demogorgon following, then went and put my non bandaged hand down on the ground, as if it were a command. After a moment the monster finally obeyed and laid itself down on the floor.

"American!" Enzo called. I looked back and saw the doors opening. I looked back at the Demogorgon in hopes that it would stay in place.

"Come on kid, we gotta go." Hopper went to grab me from the ground but caused a reaction out of the monster. It roared, raising its head, we jumped back but o tried to hold my place.

"Hopper get back." I told him. He took a few steps back allowing me to calm the beast and let it rest it's head again.

     Finally I stood up and backed myself to the door, keeping my eyes on the Demogorgon to make sure it didn't go anywhere. Soon when I was within the door way, it began to slowly shut, leaving us in the dark silence. Eventually I turned to Hopper and Enzo to see them both staring at me with wide eyes.

"How'd you do that?" Hopper questioned grabbing my shoulders. I stammered for a moment and looked back at the doors, then at Hopper.

"I don't know."

"Now out of one prison and into another." Enzo said. Another alarm blared as a door behind us started to open. Hopper pushed me behind him again and started to make his way to the door as it lifted, his fists up and ready to fight.

     As we stepped out into the light he slowly relaxed, his hands, dropping them down to his sides as he stood still for a moment. Then he finally stepped forward, a pair of arms wrapping around him. I furrowed my brows as two other people walked in, on restrained and fully covered up, the other a half bald man I've never seen before.

     I looked back at Hopper and watched the person slowly pull away from him, tears in her eyes. It took me a minute to remember her face, but when I realized, my eyes grew, my lips parting. It was Joyce.

     She looked around Hopper and at me, her face doing the same. I stood there unsure of what to do, if I was allowed to do this or that. But I didn't need to do anything. She slowly walked over to me and brought her hands up to put them on my face. I flinched back slightly but then let her continue. I stared up at her not noticing the tears beginning to form in my eyes, seeing hers did the same, then suddenly I was pulled into I light but protective hug. I didn't hesitate and wrapped my arms around her and held tightly, burying my face into her shoulder, my eyes squeezing shut as I hoped this wasn't a dream. But it wasn't, Mrs. Byers was here, and I was in her arms. So close, but so far from home.

1544 words. This was a shorter chapter but the other scenes from this episode had no relevance so yeah.

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