chapter 5

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It has now been over a week since your soul was once again bonded with its dragon counterparts, and the boys have yet to let up on their protective actions. One of them had to be wrapped around you at all times, and when you were leaving for work, each and every one of them had to scent you, creating new marks against your skin, to the point where Chaeyeon had now started to keep turtlenecks or scarves at the shop for you.

You were not used to any level of affection; let alone the affection the boys were giving you. Going from having only Chaeyeon to having seven men wanting to hang off you all the time, it was making you crazy. You were going through sensory overloads almost constantly now, freaking the boys out and causing them to become worse.

Right now, all you wanted was a nice bubble bath to yourself, maybe some music playing and a couple of candles lit. You have been having issues at the store; a couple of men keep coming in and watching you and Chaeyeon, not buying anything, and walking out. You have also noticed them a couple of times watching you from the window, but you notice they always seem to disappear when any of the boys show up.

You haven't told the boys yet, mainly because you have been spending all of your energy keeping up with them. Your body still hasn't adjusted to the bond quite yet, leaving you more tired and exhausted after time.

Walking into their house, where coincidentally more and more things for you are appearing in a room next door to Jungkook's, you thank Mr. Choi for opening the door for you before making your way up the stairs and into your room. Thankfully, the boys were working late today, which means you have some time to yourself tonight.

Opening the door to what was deemed as your bedroom, you put your jacket and bag down on the small table by your door. Closing your door, you lock it behind you, knowing the boys would try and sneak their way into taking the bath with you. Moving around your room, you grab a couple of candles from your collection and make your way into your bathroom.

Jin said he designed it with me in mind, a stand-alone tub with a shower in the corner, because he knows you like to take baths to relax. Taking a short shower first, because you can't stand to sit and marinate in your dirty bath water, you wash and cleanse your body and hair before getting out. Not bothering with a towel, you get the room ready for your relaxing bath, lighting your candles and putting on your playlist.

After the water was your desired temperature, you get in, your shoulders immediately relaxing as the warm water soothes your muscles. Taking extra care with your arm, you rest it above the water on the edge of the tub. Making sure the pillow behind you is adjusted correctly, you rest your head against it, your hair already in a messy bun atop your head. Closing your eyes, you let the water run its course, your body immersed under the warmth it represents.

The bath bomb is finally dissolved, the lavender aroma circulating the bathroom and drowning your senses with the calming herb. A sigh leaves your lips as the song changes. Here I Am Again by Yerin Baek plays through the built-in speakers, her soft vocals soothing your running thoughts.

You had been trying hard to understand the boys, their thoughts and actions as you spend more and more time with them. The love you felt for them kept you from paying attention to more of the darker things they do, especially when it comes to their business. However, some of the things they do and talk about are more than what you can handle.

Another sigh leaves your lips. You had to figure out how to tell them you didn't want anything to do with their business. That you still loved them but could not be involved at all. Enough of that, you thought. All of that could be handled another day. For now, you finally had time to yourself.

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