chapter 6

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It was the day of the "Charity Ball" and Chaeyeon was helping you get ready. You had refused Jimin's suggestion of them paying someone to do your hair and makeup, reminding them of the dress incident.

Your dress was a soft lavender that flowed down from your hips, the fabric gliding across the floor with every step you took. The top held sleeves that covered your burn scars, something you felt you would always be insecure about, and hugged your curves nicely. There were small intricate flowers sewn into the skirt, giving you a nice 'Persephone' feel, as Chaeyeon stated when you tried it on in the store.

Out of the hundreds of dresses Chaeyeon made you try on; this was the only one you could envision yourself wearing. You felt...ethereal in the satin fabric. Like a long-lost princess who just found out she was royalty.

Currently, Chaeyeon was working on the last strand of hair, curling it to perfections before running her hands through it to soften the piece.

"You look beautiful and I think once we get your dress on you, the boys will kneel over at the sight of you." Chaeyeon's voice snaps you out of your thoughts, making you look up into the mirror to see your reflection looking back at you.

Your hair was in soft waves that fell down your back, a pearl clip holding the hair from your side part back. Your make-up was all natural, minus the small amounts of lavender colored eyeshadow peeking out from behind your eyelashes.

"You know, now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have bothered with your hair and make-up. It's just going to get ruined when they see you. Watch, you probably won't make it out the door before your perfect dress is tossed to the ground." You can't help but choke on your saliva as you twist your body to gape at her.

"What? I'm just saying." She shrugs her shoulders at you before reaching for your dress hanging from the hook on the door of the closet.

Used to her weird comments by now, you just forget it, letting her help you into the dress. Once on and adjusted, you put on the heels Chaeyeon helped you pick out, hoping you don't break your ankles from wearing them.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." You breathe out, nervous about this entire night.

You were going to be surrounded by the biggest mafia gangs in Asia, deals being made and tensions rising. Namjoon and Yoongi had already informed you of some of the groups going to be in attendance, some of which include groups with which Bangtan are sided with.

"Alright. Let's get going. You don't want to be late to the ball. Don't want your glass slippers to turn into pumpkins!" Chaeyeon exclaims, taking a quick picture of you all dolled up before pushing you to the door.

"Chaeyeon...I don't think that's how the magic in Cinderella works?" You respond back, head tilting at your friend's poor logic. She just waves you off, in her own world as she opens the door for you, ushering you out and to the top of the staircase, your men waiting for you at the bottom.

Once you reach the top of the bannister, their heads turn to look at you, jaws going slack at the sight of you. Each of their eyes are locked on you, what seems like shock moving through them as they look you up and down.

"" The words just seem to flow out of Taehyung's mouth, the sight of you making almost all ability to function leave him. You look heavenly in the lavender dress, like a goddess come to Earth just for them.

All of the boys are stunned as you begin your descent down the stairs, hand gripping the rail. However, the thought occurred to Jin that if they thought you were this ethereal, so would others attending the ball. Others who had absolutely no business looking at you.

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