chapter 7

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*there is a lot of violence within this chapter and dark themes. please be aware before reading. I have put where you can skip the violence if you wish.*

As soon as the door closed behind them, their expressions quickly turned to that of Bangtan, ready to get answers from the men who dared scare their baby. The dragons had already come to the agreement to let Yoongi and Hoseok handle the interrogation on their own, without the help of Jin and Jimin. They wanted the two men to suffer, not have the hope they will remain alive.

Without a word, the men move to the warehouse where Hoseok's men had brought the two this morning. They were easy to find, waiting outside your shop for you to arrive. This made Namjoon's blood boil; how long did they think they could get away with stalking their baby?

Yoongi and Hoseok walked through the front door's shining light onto the men, tied and gagged to the two chairs nailed to the ground. A beautiful sight in Yoongi's mind. His dolls ready for him to move and play with. Hoseok shared the same sentiment, a large grin on his face as he turned and slide the doors back shut, the sound of someone locking the container from the outside.

Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Namjoon moved behind the warehouse, up a flight of stairs until they reached a surveillance room, two cameras aimed at the center of the room. Each man held their own grins, excitement rolling off them in waves, all except for Namjoon. Namjoon rested his head on his fist, jaw tight as he watches closely as his mates wake the two gagged men from their last slumber.

Yoongi walked forward, a little bump in his step as he brings his hand out and makes contact with the first man's cheek, his head shooting to the side at the impact. His gummy smile on full display as the man wakes up, complete terror in his eyes as he realizes the situation he subjected himself to. This sight only gives Yoongi rush, no drug in the world can compete with the chemicals in the brain that create the emotion of fear.

Hoseok can see the man's adrenaline pumping, the veins in his throat and forehead prominent against his pale skin. Hoseok can't help but think this man's poor amygdala is going to be working overtime.


Grabbing the water bottle he had his men place by the wall, he pours it over the second man's head, the freezing water effectively waking the man and making him aware of his surroundings.

"So, I guess introductions are in order." Hoseok begins, moving to stand next to his elder mate, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "My name is Hope, and this is Agust. I assume you know our girl? You do frequent her shop a lot." His words have the men whimpering, their minds already recognizing their imminent death.

"We are so sorry. We didn't know she was yours! We swear!" The first man almost shouts, his hands gripping the edge of the chair, desperation lacing his words.

"Aww, Agust. Did you hear that? They didn't mean to stalk our girl and her friend, nor make our baby have a fear induced panic attack at the sight of them!" Hoseok looked to Yoongi, a contemplative look in his eyes as the older man observed the two now whimpering men.

Shrugging the arm off his shoulders, Yoongi removes the backpack from his left shoulder, placing it on the table on the far side of the wall. Unzipping it, he pulls out several bags, unrolling each one across the table and examining his toys, trying to decide which one he wants to use first. If he wants to dig right in or graze the surface.

"Hhhmm." He hums, before deciding on the small knife in his collection, the one engrave with his name that Jin had gotten him for their 60th anniversary.

A sly smirk on his face, he moves forward to the first man, the one who spoke before, and grins at him before kneeling. He untucks the man's shirt from his jeans, ripping them off completely. Moving to the jeans, he cuts them off his body, not without putting pressure on his grip to leave a cut spanning from the man's hips to his feet.

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