chapter 10: the finale

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The moon was high as you reclined into the large bean bag you were resting in, your feet curled up under you as you read. The radio was playing softly, the background music helping you to focus on what you were reading. Bringing your hand from under your arm, you turn the page with a flick of your fingers, eyes working quick to pick up where you left off.

It had been a little while since you had been by yourself, the peace and quiet acting like a wall against everything else in your mind; your thoughts had become increasingly deep and plentiful. There was a lot of change in your life, ever since you opened the very store where you currently resided.

You were kind of hiding, a shelf of poetry stood tall, hiding your resting body in the corner of the store, your tea on the floor, resting on a small coaster as you pushed yourself even farther into the bean bag.

You weren't hiding from anyone in particular really, just your thoughts.

You knew the boys needed an answer, needed the confirmation from you to continue with their plans, but you needed time. You didn't know what to think when you had seven wonderfully and loving men looking at you like you held the stars in the sky. You didn't know what to think when you moved, raw with love towards the only men you could ever see yourself with, arms wrapping around them as they held you close.

It had taken you months to heal, the bruises on your neck taking the longest to heal, the blue and yellow a harrowing reminder of the consequences of your love. Consequences you would happily trudge through if it meant remaining in their world.

You had been afraid when you woke up in their nest, wondering when they would let you go with the idea that you would be safer without them. You had tears on your cheeks as you waited for them to wake, arms leaving your body as they would move away from you.

You were terrified they would leave you.

But they didn't. They held you in the nest for days, your body always resting underneath the soft weight of their bodies, shielding you from the world as they held you close. They only left the nest to grab food or let you use the bathroom, but one of them had to be in there with you. You didn't even care, either, needing their presence with you.

Soft whispers of promise were constantly spoken against your skin, their love a gentle touch as they roused you out of your thoughts that morning. It was as if they could tell what you were thinking, their lips immediately pressing against your skin, words of forever leaving their lips as they wiped your tears away.

You remember the way they held you in those coming weeks, like you would disappear if they weren't touching you; fingers skimming across your thighs as you walk past, hands grabbing out to hold your waist as you sit at the table. Their touch left a burning in your soul, warmth spreading through your body and mind as you were comforted by the bond you shared.

You remember the words Chaeyeon had with the boys, could hear it from the hospital room you sat in with Hyunwoo, apologizing to him for your involvement in his attack. Could feel the anger and sadness trickling down through the strands of the bond.

While your best friend was protective over you, her words held more to them, scaring the boys and creating somewhat of a weird understanding between the group of dragons and small human.

While your body healed in the few months, your mind did not. You were back to completely covering your burn scar, the physical representation of all of your inner struggles and turmoil. You barely left the house unless one of the boys was with you, your hand gripping their own as if every step could mean your death.

A small breath of air was heard from your left, the glow of someone walking towards you only able to be made out from all of the candles you had lit. You could just make out Namjoon, a book in his hands as he brings himself closer, moving your tea out of the way and picking you up out of the bean bag before bringing you back down on his lap.

Ethereal || BTS x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें