chapter 8

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It had been a couple of days since the boys spent the entire day out of the house, aside from Jin who spent the day with you. And since that day, you haven't spent a second alone. Each waking moment, and sleeping moment, was spent in the company of at least two of your mates. At night, you slept in the hoard room, Jin very particular about you being in the middle of the large "cuddle pile" as Taehyung had called it.

You were quickly becoming annoyed with them again, reminded of when you had first mated with them. By now, your bond was close to being fully established, your soul no longer being strained when away from the dragons. Which meant you could go back to work full time, well, not if your mates had anything to say about it.

"Y/N, I won't tell you again. It is not safe out there for you. Your entire shop is not safe and we can't afford to have you out of our sight." Namjoon's voice was tired, his mind exhausted with having to argue with you.

"So, you are just going to have Chaeyeon suffer through anything those men through her way? You're going to let my best friend stay in potential trouble? I'm the one who got us into this mess. Plus, I have two new shipments coming in that I don't trust anyone else to manage and put away." Namjoon pinched the skin between his eyebrows, quickly growing annoyed with the trait he once found extremely sexy a little while ago.

Namjoon could tell you were not going to let this go, and he just wanted to relax in your warmth upon returning home. You had previously asked the others if you could return to work, but they had all said that Namjoon had the final say.

You understood that you were in danger, but you did not appreciate the boys leaving your best friend to suffer and be in danger because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. You also just needed time away from the boys. You hadn't seen Chaeyeon since the day of the ball, which was almost a week ago.

"If I make sure that someone accompanies you, will you promise to have them in the store, unlike the one we had watch over you?" His words were weak, just hoping and praying that you agreed.

You climbed onto his lap, nodding your head excitedly as you moved in for his lips, capturing them in a chaste kiss. You went to pull away when he grabbed the back of your neck, bringing you back in for more. This lasted for a couple minutes, your breath completely taken by the selfish dragon below you. His lips kept chasing after your own, before moving to kiss and lick down your neck, creating his own marks against your skin.

He has spent so much time trying to track down the infamous leader of the Raven's but he had come up short too many times. His frustrations were, fortunately, able to be fined down and let go in the best way. However, before he could get carried away, his mate yelled for them.

"Namjoon, you better not start something you won't be able to finish. Dinner is ready and on the table!" Jin's voice made you pull away from your large dragon mate, you skin flushed and his marks dark against your skin.

You could feel Namjoon groan against your collarbone, his boner already prominent against your inner thigh.

"Sorry baby. Jinnie is scarier than you." You whisper, teasing the dragon, but also not wanting said dragon to hear you.

"What did you just say little mate?!" You jump off Namjoon's lap, hearing the footsteps of your incoming mate as he runs after you, a large wooden spoon in his hand as he chased you through the hallways.


You were in the middle of logging down the new inventory in your grandmother's logbook when your phone rings. Looking at the caller id, you see it's Chaeyeon, who didn't show up today. Answering the phone, you step back into your office where it was quiet.

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