⚫️🌧We are just to different🌧⚫️

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Boy x girl
New Zealand x Belarus


New Zealand's POV

I didn't really want to go to this meeting at all. I wasn't in the best mood and I haven't been in the past week. Why have I been in a horrible mood? It's quite simple actually, it's the lovely aftermath of a breakup.

Me and my once boyfriend Belarus broke up a week ago. It's been hard not having him around all the time to hold me and kiss me. I wish it didn't end but we are to different for each other.

Belarus has always been outgoing, loud, funny, and sometimes very full of himself. While I am very introverted, calm, and very loving. Our personalitys are not the only thing that's different about us.

Me and Belarus's political views are very very different. Things started to get a bit rocky after the Russian Ukraine War started. I favored in Ukraine's side while Belarus favors in his brothers side, Russia. Belarus started to say stuff about how I should have picked the right side instead of the wrong side.

Me and Belarus are just to different from each other.

We thought that maybe we could have a friendship like my brother Canada and Ukraine. That worked and we soon fell in love but I guess it wasn't ment to be.

"Little sis, you good?" I snapped out of my train of thought and looked over at my twin brother, Australia. "Yeah I'm okay." I gave Australia a small smile. He looked a bit hesitant to except it but he looked away, not questioning it further.

I tried to focus on what UN was saying but my eyes started to wonder over to Belarus. He seemed to be looking off into space aswell. Belarus looked like he walked through a storm or something because he looked rough.

I saw as Russia taped his shoulder to get him back to reality. They started to whisper to each other. After that Belarus tried to focus on what UN was saying while Russia gave me a nasty glare.

I sank back into my set and everything I have done to feel better washed away in a instant. I let out a sigh and looked back and pretended to know and focus on what UN was saying.

I should have known it would have never worked. We are just to different for each other.


I don't think it's anything surprising but this was the first time I have ever wrote a straight ship. I write to much gay. It's also entertaining to read and write because gayness is great. Alright I will shut up now.

Well I hope that you like this oneshot and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

Word count 472

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