🔵☁Let me braid your hair☁🔵

711 3 1

Boy x boy
Germany x Italy
Top Germany
Bottom Italy

Quick note: I'm so sorry that I haven't finished the FtoM Soviet x Reich oneshot. It just wasn't going well for me so I'm gonna remake it and I will make sure it's posted by next Monday and again very sorry for the wait.

Italy's pov

"Can I braid your hair please." I clung onto Germany's back. "No, I like how it is." I just looked at him like he was dumb. "Your hair is in a ponytail I don't think a braid would ruin it babe." Germany still shook his head and went back to what he was doing.

"Well I guess I will go tell Belarus that you destroyed her entire picture collection." I was about to walk out of his bedroom but Germany grabbed my arm. "Don't do that you know she's gonna kill me if she finds out!" a grin then appeared on my face. "Then let me braid your hair." Germany groaned and turned. "Okay fine but don't mess my hair up." I started to smile and I got back onto the bed behind Germany and started to separate his hair into 3 equal parts. Then from there I started to cross the sections over each other and after a while of doing that it formed a braid.

"Do you have a hair tie babe." he slightly shook his head and I frowned. "Can you hold this please." I moved the braid around his shoulder and Germany took it before I got up and walked to his and East's bathroom in the hallway. After I got a hair tie from the bathroom I walked back into the room and got back onto the bed. I saw Germany hasn't tried to take the braid out yet and I took it from him. I then started to tie the end so the braid wouldn't fall out over time.

I was done tying the end of the braid and I looked at the masterpiece I have created. "Awww you look so cute baby." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and looked at his one bright blue eye and the other red one that had his father's symbol in the middle.

"I'm not cute." I gasp dramatically and put my hand over my heart. "How could you say that! Your the cutest person on the planet!" Germany let out a laugh and I smiled feeling a blush form on my face. "Your the cute one not me." "No, I'm sexy and you should know that!" Germany rolled his eyes playfully and put his hand on my cheek. I could see a dark red hue go over his face.

"Your still cute to me." Germany said with a little laugh at the end before he softly kissed me. I kissed him back and it was a small passionate kiss. We pulled away from each other and I looked away. "You fucking flirt." "I mean have you seen the people I came from?" I looked at him and nodded. "Calling you cute and giving you a little kiss is the least that could happen coming from my family. I could be pounding into you and it hasn't even been 5 minutes." I let out a little laugh.

"You sound like your describing Russia." "not just him, I'm describing everyone other then East." I started to smile and I dug my face into his shoulder. I started to make little kisses all over his shoulder and saying I love you every time I plant one. "I love you to liebling." I gave one last kiss on Germany's cheek. "I know you do." I looked at him again and I saw him roll his eye. "Oh whatever."


I don't really have a reason why I like this ship. Like the shiper I am I just think it's cute and beautiful.

Well I hope that you like this oneshot and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

Word count 678

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