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I can't believe it actually happened. This is so huge, honestly. Okay, okay, okay. I need to take a deep breath before I can write all of this down. I'm still all over the place, because... well, I just hadn't really expected any of this to happen. Or maybe I did? I don't really know. I was thinking it was just some stupid fantasy or anything, but well... here we are. I have to shower when I'm done writing this down.

But yeah, so... I guess I'm having an affair with my boss now? I stayed late at work today and I thought I was the last one in the office, until I saw Jonathan walk out of his office. He seemed really surprised to see me, which makes sense I guess, because it was incredibly late. I don't even know why I was staying so late, I was working on a pretty difficult case and was just making good progress, so I decided to stay and get this done. Either way, I digress. (As if it matters, no one's ever going to read this.)

So well... we just chatted a little bit and he was so close and... I don't know, it just happened. We kissed and we made out and he lifted me on his desk and ate me out and I mean... God damn, that man knows what he's doing with his tongue. I was still trying to process what the hell was just happening and he made me cum right there on my desk. I don't know what I imagined this affair to be like, but this was better than whatever it was I imagined. I don't think I came that hard in a long time.

So I went to give him a blowjob, you know, return the favour and all, but he stopped me and literally BENT ME OVER THE DESK. I swear. It was so fucking hot. He fucked me right there, from behind, on my desk. My legs are still shaking a little. His cock isn't massive, it's average, but it is really girthy. Like, I don't think I've been stretched out that good before. It felt so good. I think I came again and I was worried for a little while because he came inside me, but I'll just get Plan B in the morning and I'll be fine.

That sex was the best fuck I've ever had and I'm trying to figure out why that was. Maybe because he was older and experienced? Because I've been wanting him for such a long time? Because he went down on me first and made me cum, which is honestly very considerate and hot? Because of his girth? Because he is my boss and this was some sort of power play? Because it was such a taboo thing to be fucked roughly on my own desk by my own boss? Because he's married and I'm his dirty little secret now? Because the way it happened just felt so primal and so animalistic? Because he came inside me, and I could feel his cum running down my thighs on the way home? It could be any combination of these.

Actually, I think I might have to throw out those tights. They're full of cum and kind of ripped, too. It doesn't matter anyway. I make enough money to be able to afford another pair of tights. And Plan B. I can't forget to get that tomorrow morning. God, I haven't even checked if I'm covered in hickeys or not. I'm pretty sure that I am – I'll have to try and cover those up for work in the morning. Or should I leave them uncovered, so Jonathan has a little reminder of what happened tonight? That would be kinky...

But it's probably better if I cover them up. Don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to this whole thing. Especially if I want it to happen again and um, yes, I DO WANT IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN, OH MY GOD. It was so good. Honestly. I'm wondering whether I'm exaggerating, but to be honest... no. I'm not exaggerating. It really was that good. It really was that damn hot. I can't wait to do this again, but I don't really know when it's going to happen again. I mean, it wasn't exactly like we discussed details after. We were both way too out of breath for any of that. We just kind of made sure of the most important things and that they were absolutely clear between us. Which was good, to be honest.

I mean, we cleared up that Jonathan was definitely not going to leave his wife for me and that we would absolutely keep this between ourselves and that no one else could know about it, especially not Jonathan's wife. Which is okay with me, I absolutely didn't want him to leave his wife for me or anything like that.

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