Mike's Pov

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"Do you love Gunny Jenny?" And you dare lie to me either." I saw that she closed her mouth instead of saying the lie." You're not going to let this go are you Mike?" No." Jenny just looked at me so I said "but if it helps you any I'm known for these kinds of problems." That doesn't really explain why you want to know if I love Jethro." I chuckled and said "yeah I guess you're right about that Lady Director." I saw that she smiled a little, but really Jenny I mean it I want to know do you love him because if you do then you have to tell him before it's too late." It's already to late Mike Jethro hates me and that's that." Jenny Gunny doesn't hate you he maybe mad at you but he doesn't hate, I don't think he could ever hate you." What makes you say that?" The way he talks about you, look Jenny when Gunny came to me after he was blown up he was different he was lost, confused he really didn't know what else there was for him." But when he remembered you and everything that the two of you ever did together that's when I noticed it, that's when I knew that Gunny still had feelings for you. He would talk about you and every time he did I saw love in his eyes, but mostly regret he regrets letting you go Jenny so now is the time to just admit and let all of the worrying go for once." Jenny still looked at me but this time i knew that she would tell me. "So are you ready to tell me the truth now?" She nodded and said " I've always loved Jethro ever since I left he always found a way into my thoughts, and even if this doesn't work out I'll always love him, he's like a part of me and I don't ever want that part of me to leave me ever again." I smiled knowing that she was telling the truth." Look Jenny I started to say when I turned and Gunny. "Gunny what are you doing here?" I had to come back and talk to Jenny." "Jenny is what you said true?" Look Jethro-Answer the question Jenny did you really mean it when you said...

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