At the hospital Mike's pov

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We ended up at the hospital in no time. Or at least that's what I thought. But I couldn't speak on behalf of the lady director. I took one look at her and she didn't look to good. She was pale, her whole face looked like it. It was like she was a ghost or something. The doctors took her surgery. What are her chances of survival I asked one of the doctors? Well due to the wounds she received its not to good. What do you mean? I mean there's a chance she won't make it through the night. And if she does? Well then that's one less problem we have to face. But there's more to come isn't there. Yes I'm afraid so. Then the doctor left. I sat down in one if the chairs and waited on Probie. I knew that when I tell him. He'll be upset and hate me but I know that I'll have no choice. All I could do was sit and pray and hope that she would be ok. No just for my sake but for Gibbs' sake.

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