who's gonna call your name?

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You wake up in the early in the morning, the sound of a car's engine wakes you up, shock from the sound you quickly get out of bed, you don't even bother putting new clothes on, excited about the sudden arrival of someone, hoping that it's them, that they came back after many years of work, you run through the staircase almost falling over in the process, you run through the living room, you see the only picture you have of them and you while you run through, you excitedly open the door only to be meet with disappointment.

Luis: "(Y/N), how you been?"

You only look down at your feet before nodding at the man.

Luis: "Your father sent the usual"

You look at the man with noticeable disappointment on your face.

Luis:"come on kid, don't look at me like that, it's only my job" the man kneel in front of you, taking off his glasses to look at you better.

Luis: "I know it's sad, but we have been through this like 4 or 5 times-"

You slam the door on his face, only to run to your bed and hide in the covers, slowly you began to cry, thinking how you haven't seen your parent in a very long time only to be meet yet again with disappointment, how many times has it been now? 3? 5? It doesn't matter, what kind of parents would leave their child to fend for himself only to send them a letter on their birthday, you don't need it anymore, you don't want to reed the same thing again, you know that it's only sorry excuses for their absence in your life, but even tho you could not hate them, "it's for the better" you thought, "at least they care enough to send a letter every year" but the sad reality never faded, you were always alone in your life.

(Y/N):"I should go and apologize to him"

Slowly, you get out of your bed to meet the man in the door, hoping that he hadn't left yet, when you open the door you are meet with a small package and two letters, you took all the things inside your house, grabbing the first letter you reed it out loud.

"Hey, I know that you are disappointed to see me again, and I don't blame you, living alone, taking care of your self, cleaning the house, it's not an easy job for an eight year old, and i don't think very highly of the boss because of that, i would like to be with you like last time, to at least see you blow the candles, but i can't this time, the boss wants me to be at work by tomorrow, and it's not a short flight to say the least. Listens, i know that the boss doesn't like you going outside and i am supposed to report if you ever leave the house, but i am willing to put my job on the line for you. Go out. Find friends that will help you in tough times like this, help them be better, cry with them, laugh with them, live life to the fullest with them. Then and only then you will have what your parents took from you. The box is a gift from me, i hope you like it and keeps you warm in this cold times. Happy birthday (Y/N) i wish that the next time i see you is smiling like in that picture."


You put the letter down and open the box.

You put the letter down and open the box

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(ignore the family man, only the scarf)

it's a scarf, you put it on,it was way big for you, covering almost all of your face stoping after your nose, you feelt the soft fur around your neck.

You see something falling in your present only to realize that you're crying, this warmth is sow nostalgic like the list time you were held by your father or the last smile your mother gave you. You may not have talked to Luis a lot, but you can't lie that his presence made you a little bit happier.

That day you decided that you were tired of being alone and crying to your self, if you were going to cry it better be with people that love you. You see the letter that your parents sent you open it only to see the usual, money and a piece of paper, you took the money and rip the note your parents sent you, running to the door and opening it only to be meet with the shining sun.

Looking side to side, you spot a park in the distance and begun running to it.

If only you knew that this was the star of your life, this was the beginning of the Mochi king.

Psycho love for The Mochi King (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now