Be kind even if it kills you

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Ah, morning, here in the city of Piltover, just ask anyone that lives here, there's no better place to wake up, to the bustling marketplace to the peaceful overpass, there is something here for everyone, look there is miss Martin's opening shop, hmm what a lot of hovers, there goes officer Sinclair to the station no doubt, no crimes to report this time officer, not so far there's a park, let's go there, shall we?

In the park the people are just as happy to be here, oh look, its (Y/N), he's ones of the new kids in town, and it looks like he's already making friends, ah yes, two small little girls to make him company, they look so happy together in their picknick.

A person walks up to the picknick, the man's face could not be seen, he was wearing a hoodie with the cap on very low on his face.

Oh look, here is one of your neighbors, (Y/N) wave at the man but got no response, I see that you're already very well acquainted. The man walks up to Akali who gives the man a big smile and offers him to eat something from the picknick, he bends down behind Akali, and takes something out of his pocket. Oh, how nice, he what's to give Akali a gift, what could it be?

The man slowly reveals what he was hidden, its... a... knife?

Ups, careful now.

Careful now!


You wake up in your bed, sweating with fear, you look side by side, your phone had some messages and a missed call, you were afraid that it had not been a dream, the massages are from Akali, you sigh calming down, another call on your phone... it's Eve


(Y/N):"I'm sorry Eve, I just overslept, I had a bad dream but other than that I think I'm fine, thanks for caring so much."

Eve: "you sure? Don't you need to talk about this? (Y/N) if something bothers you, or you want to talk about something, just let me know, and I'll do my best to fix the problem."

You kept quiet for a few seconds. You didn't want Eve to know about your dream, she doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing, she has better things on her mind

(Y/N):"Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine, I promise."

Eve was about to say something, when a voice in the background could be heard shouting.

???:"Miss Evelyn, your classes start in 40 minutes, it's time to get ready for your day."

Eve: "I'm sorry dear, as you can hear, SOME PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT QUIET TIME MEANS!"

Eve sighed into the microphone. "If you need anything, or want to talk about this dream, I hope to be the first person you call."

(Y/N):"of course Eve, have a nice day today, hope to see you soon"

Eve: "you too, have a nice day today darling, hope to see you soon"

Looking at the messages, they were from Akali. When I see the notifications, a smile covers my face...


"Sup man, how did you sleep?" 7:50

"(Y/N)? You there?" now


"Sorry, I fell asleep, yes I'm here."


"Oh, Good, in the afternoon I'll be ready, so we can go out, I'll wait for you in the park"

Psycho love for The Mochi King (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now