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"We need to stop, his bandages need to be changed." Patton sat Janus down on a tree stump and got supplies out of his bag. "Looks like the bleeding might have stopped a bit." Virgil looked over and bit his lip seeing the cuts all down Janus's face.

"I can feel you staring dude." Janus smiled. "I'm fine. I'm being honest."

"He tried to kill you, that is not fine!" Virgil shook his head. "I don't understand how you are so okay with that??"

"Because he's done it before just not to this extent." Janus mumbled. Virgil stared ag him horrified.

"Remy did what!?" Patton put the gauze down in shock.

"Oh relax, I'm alive arent I?" Janus sighed. "After everything that happened with Seth, Remy found out my father killed him and all the others who were pretending to be walkers for the prank and he just...he lost it. He blamed me and while he's right it is my fault, he went too far."

"Is that why you disappeared after?" Patton asked. "We didn't see you for days! Your father thought you were killed!"

"Yeah..." Janus looked at his hands. "I should have been. Look Virgil, I'm so sorry about Seth."

"I'm fine." Virgil sat down. "But I want to know everything. Every little detail."

"Alright..." Janus nodded. "Let's start with that prank..."

***a few years ago***

"Should have seen your face!" Seth laughed out as he collected the wood. Janus rolled his eyes.

"Yeah whatever hotshot." Janus smirked to himself noticing that Seth looked away. He gave the signal and the others came running out of the broken down barn.

"OH MY GOD!" Seth dropped the wood and panicked. "Fuck! I don't have my weapon!" He grabbed a stick and tried defending himself. "JANUS RUN!" Janus burst into laughter watching as they walked over and grabbed hold of Seth who was losing his shit panicking.

"Oh my god that's hilarious." Janus walked over and high fives his friends, when suddenly there was a gunshot. Everyone didn't move staring in shock as Seth fell forward.

"SETH!" Janus stared in horror at his body.

"Where the hell—" more gunshots rang out all around them. Janus hid behind a wall and covered his ears. He counted to twenty when suddenly the gunshots stopped. He peeked around the corner staring in horror at the bodies that were scattered around him. Suddenly Derek walked over holding his gun.

"Saved your ass, your welcome." Janus shook his head.

"You don't understand! They weren't dead!"

"Walkers." Derek shrugged.

"People dressed in costume you moron!" Janus walked over and knelt besides Seth's body. "Oh god what am I going to tell Virgil..."

"You tell that boy nothing." Derek put his gun away and looked at Janus. "He was bitten understand me?"

"You can't be serious?" Janus stood. "I'm not just going to lie to him!"

"You will, hated that boy." He shoved Seth's body with his foot. "It's better he's dead."

"I...oh my god..." Janus shook his head as his step father walked away. Janus knelt down next to Seth and grabbed his necklace he always wore. "I promise I'll keep him safe Seth." Janus looked at his step fathers retreating form and squeezed the necklace tighter. He walked back to camp. Janus had blood covering him so of course everyone immediately rushed over.

"Janus!" Patton ran over and looked him over for wounds.

"Where's the wood? Hell...where's Seth?" Remy asked. Janus looked at his step father who folded his arms across his chest.

"I...we...walkers..." Janus shook his head. "T-They attacked an-and Seth didn't make it." Virgil screamed and Janus had to look away. Lying to him was hard. He actually got along with him, but his eyes widened when he heard Virgil screaming liars.

"Virgil sweetie you have to calm down." His mother took him away and Janus started walking off when Remy pulled him aside.

"Let's go get some wood since you two dumb kids decided to get into some trouble."

"But I thought someone else went—"

"Just come with me bitch." Remy grabbed a gun and Janus reluctantly followed after him.

"We shouldn't leave its almost dark..." Janus went to turn back after they walked about a mile out. "Besides this entire time you didn't grab a single piece of firewood..."

"You lied, didn't you?" Janus stared at him in shock.

"He did it not me! I just didn't want-"

"What actually happened?" Remy stepped forward and Janus backed himself into a tree.

"Dude you scare me, can we just go back to camp?" Janus went to pass him but Remy threw him back into the tree.

"What. Happened?" Remy demanded.

"My fucking step father killed them all okay!? Are you happy!?" Janus went to pass Remy but Remy grabbed his arm harshly.

"You are so dead." He threw Janus against the tree and Janus blacked out.

***a few hours later***

Janus woke up tied to a tree. His eyes widened and he struggled against the ropes holding him. Tears filled his eyes seeing the hunting knife a few feet away from him. God damnit Remy. He heard rustling and his heart beat picked up. He was going to die here wasn't he? Suddenly a walker pushed into the tree line and he slammed his eyes shut. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He was so dead. The walker left and Janus took a deep breathe. He had to get out somehow...fuck.

"I ended up cutting my arm up pretty badly to get off that damn tree...but yeah he left me there and it took me two days to get out." Janus sighed. "So him fucking trying to stab out my eye instead of Virgil's makes sense."

"You knew he was going to go for your eye the entire time!?" Patton asked horrified. Janus nodded.

"Yeah, he was aiming to hurt Virgil but he knew I'd protect him." Janus pulled something out of his shirt and took it off from around his neck handing it to Virgil. Virgil held the necklace and wiped the tears that flowed down his face.

"No," Virgil handed it back to Janus. "You keep it."

"But I'm the reason Seth's dead!" Janus held the necklace to his chest. Virgil smiled sadly.

"That may be, but Derek is the one who pulled the trigger. You didn't actually kill my brother." Janus looked down.

"he would still be alive if I didn't go to pull that prank on him..."

"Actually, Derek didn't like the fact that my brother had a crush on you." Virgil shrugged. "I heard him threatening my brother, hence why I was there the night he died. I followed Derek and found out he was following you."

"Seth had a crush on me!?" Janus let his eyes widen in shock.

"Yep!" Virgil chuckled. "Which is why I think you should be the one to keep that, besides..." Virgil pulled his own necklace and his moms out from under his shirt. "I don't need a reminder that he's gone.... I didn't think I'd ever see that again."

"Rest up boys, we'll contact Logan in the morning." Janus nodded his head and Virgil shrugged.

"You should rest, I can keep watch." Patton sighed and agreed. The two fell asleep a few minutes later and Virgil looked up at the sky. "I miss you."

Dead inside (Sanderssides human au) Where stories live. Discover now