Chapter 9- Bienvenida a la fiesta.

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A/n- Please note that everything that I'm going to describe about what to do in Mexico comes from other family members experience and the internet, so sorry if I get something wrong in advance.

" Mexico".


The gang was walking around the marketplace as people set up streamers, decorations and many other things as they prepared for tonight's party, adelita and valiente said that they would meet up with the gang later. Soul was currently holding a tourist pamphlet of all the best things to do there while demi looked over his shoulder, shaking at the bits to run hog wild. Soul had gotten out of his usual get up and switched to a black sleevless shirt with a lighting bolt on it and shorts, he kept his mask on.

Demi- Let's do that, no that, oh, they serve that here, Jesus this is awesome, there's too much to do.

Soul- I know right, they have fun activities set up for the party.

Demi- Some of every kind of food here.

Soul- Beautiful beaches to relax on.

Flug- Multiple different history museum's.

Soul/demi- 😑.

Flug- WHAT?!?!.

They continued to walk along as they were finishing up with their activities plan, 505 was walking behind them when he looked over and spotted some red peppers hanging from a stand, he thought they were bright candies as he grabbed one and popped it in his mouth.

505s face began to turn red as he fanned at his tongue, he looked around for water of any kind, he rushed off, zipping past the gang.

Soul- What's up with him.

Demi looked down and noticed a hot pepper on the ground.

Demi- I think our fine blue Friend is dealing with a case of melting mouth.

505 ran over to a nearby vender and grabbed the first liquid he saw and began to chug it.


505 stopped and looked at the jug.....that had the words "Carolina reaper" on it, he looked to the camera before his whole body turned red as he belched a stream of fire. Demi laughed and fell to the ground clutching her stomach.


505 looked around frantically until he located his savior, the fountain. He ran to it and jumped in as he began to chug as much water as he could. Soon, the fountain was completely empty as 505 stumbled out of it and collapsed on his back, flug walked over and rubbed his belly.

Flug- It's okay pal.

Demi- "shoving hot peppers into her mouth like chips" Wuss.

Soul looked around to see everyone staring, he nervously waved.

Soul- Sorry everyone.

Everyone just glared as they went back to business. Soul rubbed his eyes while groaning.

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