Chapter 11

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Walking outside I see a very beautiful 1967 Shelby. I stand beside it and check around for a key. I look inside the car from the window, beside it, on top of it until finally I find it. It was hidden under the first tire on the left side.

I'm a bit surprised nobody found it.

The car key had a huge S on the back that was made out of a gold color.

I take the key and open the door. Getting inside I get very comfortable in the seat. I put my hand over the rearview mirror fixing it.

Over the dash there was a pair of papers. I took them in my hand and look over them.

They were two employee contracts. At the beginning of the paper was a blank space were you had to write your name and at the end there was a signature of the employer -which was signed by Stark- and the employee -which was left blank too-.

I smiled to myself putting the papers and my bag on the passenger seat and start driving.

When I get to the parking lot there is no one there. There were just cars.

Of course there are cars, it's a parking lot.

I open the car door taking my bag and putting it over my shoulder.

Walking into school I realize that I was an hour and a half late and that the bell would ring in about ten minutes. So I walk to my locker put my bag in it and take my english books.

Walking to my english class I glance at the big clock that was hung on the wall.
Seeing that I still had a few minutes, I take out my phone and lean against the wall. I text Sam asking him what class he got after this one.

He answers within seconds saying he got history. I frown at my phone, shutting it off and putting it in my front pocket.

When the bell rings, people start getting out of the classroom and I get in.

I sat at the end of the class.

"Never seen you come in so early for english, Parker" Mr. Bennett says organising his desk

"First time for everything right?" I stare at him but he doesn't even look at me.

A few minutes later the room was filled with students. There was a few people I've seen around the school. Like there was Natasha, Carol, Bruce and T'challa.

Once T'challa saw me he waved and made his way to me and sat beside me.

"Hello" he smiled and opened his book.

"Hey" I returned his smile.

"How are you doing?" He sat back in his chair trying to make small talk.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm great" he said never once dropping his smile.

"You seem happy"

"Yes, well.. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course"

"There is this woman back home." He starts explaining as I smile to myself. "Her name is Nakia. She is beautiful, she has an amazing smile, she is caring and kind, she always helps the kids around, she always tries to see the good in people, never judges anyone by what they've done and- "

"Whoa whoa, relax. You're gonna choke yourself" I stop him from rambling

"I apologize" he says still smiling.

"Have you told her how you feel?" I ask.

"Yes, that's why I'm so joyful. She told she feels the same."

"That's great dude." I pat his back, actually happy about him. He's one of people that actually deserves to be happy.

"OKAY. No more talking. Class has begun. Today's lesson is 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare." Mr. Bennett practically yells over the noise.

As T'challa opened his book concentrating on what Mr. Bennett was saying, I opened mine putting my hands over it and using them as a pillow.

The rest of the class went by quickly since I fell asleep. Not that I had to do anything better.

When the bell rang T'challa woke me up and told me class was over. He walked me out of the class, saying goodbye and then we went our separate ways.

I again went to my locker taking out my other books, expecting Sam to be there too but he wasn't.

Next I had geography. I didn't hate it but didn't exactly love it either.

The classroom was on the third floor so you can imagine how out of breath I was till I got there.

When I got in half of the classroom was full. Sam still wasn't there. There were a few people sitting alone, but only one caught my eye.

I walk over and sit down beside her not saying a word.

Even though I can feel her eyes burning a hole on the side of my head, I don't turn to look at her.

As the teacher starts the lesson we just stay there in silence, acting like we know what he's talking about.

"Are you gonna say anything?" She asks after, god knows how long.

"What do you want me to say?" I respond to her question with another question.

"She talks!" She says with nothing but sarcasm in her voice. When she notices that I don't say anything she adds "Y/N, we have to take about "us" "

"What is there to talk about Wanda?" I reply

"We had a deal and you can't-"

"I can't what? We had a deal and you didn't keep your end of it. So if anything happens to "us" -there isn't even an us by the way- it's your fault."

She looks stunned at my words. She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by a phone ringing.

Everyone checks their bags and pockets. When I put my hand over my pocket I feel it buzzing. The whole class turns their head in my detection, when the teacher says "Y/N please put your phone on silent when your on my class" 

"Sorry, sir" I apologize to my teacher and quickly look at my phone to see who was calling.


That's what was written on the top half of my screen. Declining the call I text her telling her that I was busy and would call her later.

I shut my phone off and put it in my pocket.

"Who's Valerie?" Wanda asks, her brows furrowed.

"No one" I answer.

"The heart beside her name didn't make her seem like no one"

"I don't need to explain nothing to you" I comeback at her.

"Never said you needed to."

"Good then. Don't ask anymore."

"Fine" she ends the conversation by turning around to face the teacher.

I don't need to explain my life to her, right? I mean she lost that privilege a long time ago.

Oh god dammit. Who am I lying to?

I'm still gonna have to explain her who Valerie is.

"Where's Sam?" I ask her one final question.

"I don't know. He's been absent the whole day. I thought you were with him" she answers me with honesty in her voice.

But I texted Sam and he said he was in school.

Why would he lie to me?

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