Wolf Fight

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Later that night, Adrien in his feline form wanted to see his mother but his father would try anything to kill him to think this is not his son at all. So he carefully sneaks up to where they are staying. If his mother really misses him so much, he guessed that his father did not.

"Oh Adrien, I would give anything to see my boy again," Emilie said.

Adrien saw her looking at the painting of herself holding him as a baby. He felt sad too that he truly missed his mother for 10 years.

"If I only stopped him from making that wish none of this would have happened" Emilie gently touched the painting.

Adrien tapped the window to get her attention, praying that she remembers him. Emilie looked over and walks up to see who was there. She gasped at the strange beast but then memories flashed in her eyes that it was really him.

"Adrien? Is it you?" She opened the window.

"Meow" He meowed softly and slowly shifts back to human in his torn pants, "Mom" Adrien clings onto her.

"My son!" Emilie hugged him.

Sobbing at the sight of how much he has grown but sad that she wasn't there to care for him because of what her husband has done to him.

"It's really me, Mom. I'm here" Adrien said.

"Adrien. I thought I lost you" Emilie sobs.

"And I thought I lost my life" Adrien cried.

"I've thought of you every single day my boy," Emilie said.

"Puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" He purred and nuzzled on his mother.

Emilie pets his hair, hearing him purr more. Her husband was very wrong about Adrien being a monster.

"You're still my Adrien, no matter what you look like," Emilie said.

"Mama, te amo mucho" Adrien looks at her.

"Yo también te amo, hijo mío" Emilie said in Spanish.

That's until they heard Gabriel come, "You must go, now" Emilie said quickly.

"Okay. See you soon" Adrien climbs out the window.


The next day, Adrien was helping the family clean the bakery while using his cat tail as his third hand to clean the windows.

"That should do it" He lifts the bucket up to get more soaped water.

"Good job, kitty," Marinette said while cleaning the floor.

"Meow, do I get cat food?" He teased.

"Soon enough" Marinette teased back.

"Our daughter is getting along well with him," Tom noticed.

"They sure do," Sabine said.

"Follow the light, kitty" Marinette reflects the mirror from the sunlight so that her kitty can chase the light dot.

"Meow!" Adrien's instincts kicked in and he followed the dot.

"Rawr! Meow!" Adrien kept chasing the dot.

He didn't realize that the sponges on his hands were making him clean the floor.

"Good kitty" Marinette giggled.

"What?" Adrien saw that he cleaned the floor.

"You just helped me clean the floor," Marinette said.

"You're welcome, milady" Adrien.

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