The Escape.

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You tiptoed down the dark hallway. It only had a few old dirty windows that you could hardly even see through. The floor creaked with every step and you left little footprints in the dust. You held your breath as you carefully stepped down the stairs. The front door was in your sights now. Just then you heard someone moving around upstairs. You ran for the door pushing it open. You didn't stop running until you were all the way across the field that you surrounded the orphanage. Once hidden by the forest on the other side you stopped to catch your breath. "I did it." You thought to yourself. After a few minutes you continued walking. You decided to follow the road as to hopefully not get lost. After about three miles of walking down the long desolate road it started to rain. You quickly looked around for the nearest shelter. Just then you saw an old, rundown, abandoned looking building. "I guess I don't have a choice." You thought, running towards the building. You slowly opened the door and went inside. It was dark but of what you could see, it looked like a large room full of broken, dusty tables. On one wall there was what looked like a little stage? You couldn't really tell because of how dark and rundown the place was. Against the back wall however was clearly a large stage. Just then you heard a noise coming from somewhere in the room with you. Terrified you ran over the the weird small stage thing. Turns out it was a stage but that didn't matter right now. You climbed up onto it and hid behind the curtain. After awhile of not hearing anything else you convinced yourself it was just the wind or something. You decided to get some rest. After all it was already 9ish and you had walked for awhile.

You woke up to the sound of something dropping. It must have been about midnight as it was still dark outside. You looked around the room but didn't see anything. Just then you heard a voice from behind you. It sounded like a robot but really glitchy. "Shhh. He'll hear you." The voice whispered softly. You turned around to see an old, terrifying, broken robot. You almost screamed but before you did he stopped you by gently covering your mouth. "Please stay quiet. I'm trying to help you." He warned. "W-who a-are y-you?" You replied. You were terrified and almost completely frozen in fear. He looked around his robotic ears twitching. "That doesn't matter right now!" He told you. Just then he picked you up and set you down in a hidden space under the stage accessed by a trapdoor. "Stay there until I say it's okay and don't make a sound." He whispered seriously. It was faint but you could hear the robot you were just talking to start talking to another really glitchy robot. "Hey Foxy!" The unfamiliar voice said. "Ah Bonnie. How are you?" The one who you were just talking with replied. "I heard a noise over here. Care to explain?" The mysterious robot asked. "Sorry I tripped." He answered. "Fair enough." The other one said. You heard him walking away but he did not let you out until it was completely silent. Once the footsteps were gone the trapdoor opened. "Sorry kid but I'm glad your safe now." He said picking you up and out of the hole. "S-safe from what?" You asked a look of fear filled your eyes. He seemed to notice as he began to comfort you. "It's ok he's gone now." He replied. "Alright. Hey who or what even are you?" You questioned. He set you down. "I'm Foxy the fox and welcome to Pirate Cove." He answered. "And you?" "I'm Y/n." You said with a small smile. "Really? No last name?" He asked softly. "I-I'm an orphan." You replied with a sigh. He said no more but you could tell he regretted asking. "It's ok! They were terrible people anyway." You said trying to cheer him up. Just then a small yawn escaped your mouth. "Must be tired huh kid." He chuckled. "Y-yeah." You answered shyly. He sat over in the corner and motioned for you to come over near him. You weren't going to refuse him. After all he seemed friendly and said he was protecting you from something. You went and sat beside him leaning your head on his shoulder. "If this is how I die at least I escaped the orphanage. Never thought it would be an old, creepy, broken robot who would take me out but life is crazy." You thought to yourself. Before you knew it you were fast asleep.

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