A Brand New Toy!

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Finally, the day came when both Bonnie and Foxy were completely fixed. You felt really happy that you had finally done it. But there were still more broken animatronics out there for you to fix and you felt really bad you couldn't help them. But it was true. You couldn't help them if they weren't willing to let you try. luckily Foxy and Bonnie's joy always cheered you up. one night when Foxy and Bonnie were sitting against the wall, and you were laying in between them you asked them why Puppet sounded so much like the ghost of a little girl. they both stayed quiet for a bit. finally, Bonnie replied. "Because she is." he said sadly. "W-what?" You questioned. "Aye. We all are." Foxy added. "Tisn't fare but that be just how it is." You laid there speechless for a while. "W-what was your real names then?" You asked curiously. Bonnie and Foxy looked at you for a while. "You're not scared of us?" Bonnie questioned. "Of course not. you're still my friends. The same ones I became I got along with. The same ones that protected me all this time. that won't change now." You replied. They both reached down and picked you up giving you a big hug. You felt safe in between them. It didn't matter that they were both ghosts. You still liked them the same. "You guys never answered my question." You reminded. "Fritz." Foxy responded. "Jeremy." Bonnie replied. you giggled. "Those names do fit you. But what about the others?" You asked. "Chica is Suzie, Freddy is Gabriele, Puppet is Charlie, Golden Freddy is Cassedy, Toy Bonnie is Damian, Toy Chica is Alexa, Toy Freddy is Robbert, and Mangle is Lilly." he answered. (a bit of my AU here. I don't know what the Toy's ghost's names are or if they even are ghosts and I'm too lazy to search it. Although knowing FNaF especially the older ones like the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria and Circus Baby's Pizza World they probably are. So, for now, at least those are their names. P.S. Damian and Alexa are siblings and Damian is older by two years. also, in my AU Gabriele is 13, Jeremy is 11, Suzie is 10, Fritz is 12, Charlie is 12, Cassidy is 14 and Gabriele's sister, Damian is 13, Alexa is 11, Robbert is 13, and Lilly is 11. Suzie, Alexa, and Lilly are best buds. Cassidy and Charlie prefer to hang out together. Gabriele, Jeremy, and Fritz are really close and Damian and Robbert used to be friends but kinda grew apart although they still both hang out around with the group. I think that's all for now.) "Cute." You responded. "It be fine with us Lass but ye probably shouldn't call them by thar alive names unless ye get thar permission first." Foxy added. "Ok." You replied. "You better go to sleep Y/n. it's getting late." Bonnie said. "Ok." You answered. you felt fine sleeping with ghosts. you felt safe. you felt that you could trust them now more than anything because they trusted you. you woke up the next morning and quietly got up and left. "Puppet who of the others do you think would be the easiest to get to trust me?" you whispered. "I don't really know. Freddy is really close with Foxy and Bonnie so if they trust you, he might. But he is also the least likely to trust a stranger out of the whole original group. so, I really don't know. Sorry." she answered. "It's ok. Also, who is Cassidy?" you asked. "Oh, they told you, did they? I guess it was bound to happen. Cassidy is my best friend. She possesses Golden Freddy. Sadly, that animatronic is broken in a way so that she can't move and therefor is stuck in the basement. She is alone unless one of us goes to visit her. I don't recommend going to see her though at least not yet. she is the most vengeful soul of us all." she answered. "Ok. Thanks." You said. Just then Foxy and Bonnie woke up. "mornin' Lass." Foxy said. suddenly you heard footsteps. you ran over to Bonnie who by this time was standing up. Foxy who was also standing was clearly ready to fight whoever came through those doors. "Puppet are you here?" Said a light blue bunny as they walked through the door. "Is that the child Chica told me she smelled here?! Oh, please tell me you three were just about to kill her." You hugged Bonnie tighter. "Why ever is this creature hiding from little old me?" it said. "Because you're literally talking about killing her!" Bonnie yelled. "Wait you guys are fixed?! Did she?" "Yep, she has been fixing them for days. She even fixed Bonnie's music box." Puppet replied. "Huh. The kid really ain't that bad. Hello little one. I'm Toy Bonnie."

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