Bear On The Loose. (pt 2)

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For the next week or so you had a routine with these animatronics. You'd fall asleep with Foxy and Bonnie while Puppet patrolled the halls nearby and Toy Bonnie stayed with the other Toys all night so nothing seemed too suspicious. But after morning came all of you would gather in the repair supply basement. Puppet and Toy Bonnie would take turns patrolling the halls outside of the room while you, Foxy, and Bonnie would study the binder looking at what you would need to do in order to restore them all to their former glory. The answer was a lot. One day you were planning on how to get the others to trust you when Toy Bonnie came running into the room. "Toy Freddy is on his way!" He yelled. Foxy grabbed you and hid you in an empty box. "Stay quiet Lass. We'll deal with it." He told you. You nodded. You heard them all shuffle around for a minute or two before the door opened. "Toy Bonnie?! Since when have you started hanging out with them?!" You heard him say. "Since like a week ago. Why?" Toy Bonnie replied. "Nothing. Never mind. I guess Chica was right. She told me she saw you guys fixed and I came to see it for myself." He responded. Foxy and Bonnie looked at each other. "Who did this?" Toy Freddy asked. "Y/N did. Why?" Toy Bonnie answered. "Who is Y/N?" Toy Freddy questioned. You slowly started to peak out of the box you were in. "Hi." You smiled. Toy Freddy looked at you. "The child?!" He said surprised. "Aye, and ye better not lay a paw on her or ye will have no paws to touch her with." Foxy threatened. "Message heard. Loud and clear." Toy Freddy replied as he raised his hands up where Foxy could see them. "Don't worry. I don't think he is smart enough to do anything that can hurt her while you guys are on guard. He couldn't even open the door I had to open it for him." Toy Bonnie giggled as he crossed his arms. "It's not my fault! I have these fat plastic fingers and can't press the buttons!" Toy Freddy responded in defense. "Not my problem." Toy Bonnie said turning his head away. You giggled at their foolishness and childish behavior. Bonnie walked over and picked you up out of the box. Puppet floated over to Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy. "Why can't you boys get along like this more often?" She asked. "We just grew apart." Toy Bonnie. Replied. "Hey Jeremy. Can we go get some pizza? I'm getting kinda hungry." You questioned. "Haven't heard that name in a while." He answered. "You guys told her!? And she is not scared?!" Toy Freddy yelled. "Dose she know mine?" Toy Bonnie asked cheerfully. "Aye." Foxy sighed. "But they told me to ask first before I call anyone by their real names." You added. "Fine with me." Toy Bonnie replied. "Ok Damian." You smiled. "Yes. We can go up for pizza." Bonnie responded. Foxy picked you up and the whole group followed you guys out through the door, up the elevator, down the hall, past the security room door, out in to the main stage room, across the room, and through the kitchen doors. They all just stood there or leaned against the counter talking. Foxy as usual made you a pizza while you sat on the counter right where he put you. Once your pizza was in the oven you asked Foxy who would be the easiest to tame out of the ones who still needed to be fixed. "I don't really know Lass. Puppet be the mother of the crew. But if ye tame Golden Freddy the others shall listen. After all she be the most vengeful spirit and if she trusts ye they will all know there be nothing to fear." He answered. "But how easy would it be to get Golden Freddy to trust me?" You questioned. "Aye. It be nearly impossible." He replied. You thought to yourself for a moment. Surly there was a way. But if there was you couldn't think of it. You just kept thinking. "There has got to be a way." There was indeed a way and little did you know you would soon find it.

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