The Puppet.

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You had been working hard for days trying to fix them and were doing pretty well. Bonnie had a new arm and a fixed voice box. Foxy had fixed legs and both had a new lair of fur fabric all over them so they were extremely soft. They were both very thankful to you for fixing them up and you enjoyed making them happy. By this time Foxy was almost done but Bonnie still needed a good amount of work done to him including a new face. You also had less and less run-ins with the other animatronics but it still happened. Sometimes you would hear Mangle in the vents or Chica walking past the room you were in. But for the most part nothing really happened. One day however that changed. You were coming back from eating pizza in the kitchen when you heard a music box. Bonnie picked you up as Foxy stood in front of you on guard. Soon you saw a creepy white face coming out of the darkness. But there was something strange about the body that the face was attached to. The body wasn't touching the ground. "It's floating?!" You thought to yourself. "Aye. It be Puppet." Foxy said starting to relax. Bonnie set you down gently. "Who is this?" You heard Puppet ask. But instead of it's voice being clearly a voice box it instead sounded like the eerie voice of a ghost child. A girl maybe? Puppet came over to you. "I don't hate you but you need to stay out of my way." She said brushing past you. "Wait Matey!" Foxy yelled running after her. "What?" She replied turning to look at him. "She be trying to help us. Look she has been fixin' me 'n Bonnie and plans to fix the rest of the crew to." He told her. "She does?" Puppet asked. "Aye." Foxy answered. She thought for a moment before looking at you and saying "fine. If you guys trust her I will to." You smiled. "Come on guys. We gotta get back to work." You said starting to run off down the hall." "Y/n wait!" Bonnie yelled. "Aye Lassie. Wait up!" Foxy added. You soon reached the room completely out of breath. Bonnie and Foxy came in right after you. "Got ya now." Bonnie said grabbing you in a big hug from behind. "Bonnie let go." You giggled. "No." Bonnie replied hugging you tighter. Puppet laughed from the doorway. Bonnie slowly let go of you and walked over to the middle of the room. "Should I Y/n?" He asked. You nodded and he powered off. You walked over to him. "Foxy get me an extra face piece please." You asked. "Sure thing Lass." He responded handing you the piece. "Thanks." You replied. You put it on and screwed it on tightly. "Now could you get me some purple fur?" You questioned. "Of course Lassie." He answered cheerfully. Soon it was time to see if Bonnie liked it or not. You nervously powered him on. It took a moment but soon he opened his eyes. He looked at himself and smiled. "You did it Y/n! You fixed me!" He shouted picking you up and giving you a hug. "No problem." You replied hugging him back. Puppet was watching you the whole time and when she saw Bonnie's happiness as you powered him on she felt really happy. "She isn't that bad." She thought to herself. "Oh wait Bonnie I forgot something." You said as he let go of you. You opened a hatch on his chest and asked Foxy for a gear which he happily gave you. You put it in and screwed it in place before shutting the door and screwing it shut. "Try that." You said stepping away. Soon as Schubert's Serenade started playing from his music box. (In my world that music box song was originally his not Shadow Bonnie's.) Puppet was astonished. You felt proud of yourself. Bonnie looked at you speechless. "Thank you so much Y/n." He said softly. You smiled. "Of course. That was our promise after all." Foxy slowly walked over to you and picked you up. He hugged you tightly. "You did it Lass." He whispered in disbelief. You hugged him back for a bit before he passed you to Bonnie. You hugged him for a bit to. Puppet slowly floated over to you. "I gotta say Y/n. When I heard you were trying to fix them I didn't think you could do it. Thank you on behalf of the whole Fazbear Band and The Toys." She said sweetly. "Your welcome!" You replied leaning over and giving her a big hug.

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