Two For The Price Of One.

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"Set her down over there." You said. They went and set her down. You told everyone to step back. With some hesitation they did. You walked up to Golden and knelt down. "You ready?" You asked softly. "Yeah." She replied. You gently pushed the power off button. You could tell the others were getting uneasy. "Foxy? Can you get me two large screws and a new back beam?" You questioned. He did and you tightly installed them. It took you a long time. But soon you had fixed the voice box, the music box, the finger movements, the jaw movements, and the support beams. Golden Freddy could now stand. She still could not walk but you were getting there. You decided to turn her on so she could see what you had done so far. Carefully you reached up and pressed the button. Soon she began to open her eyes. "So Golden what do you think?" You asked. "Thank you so much!" She responded. "How dose it feel to finally be fixed Cassidy?" Bonnie questioned. "I'm not Cassidy." Golden answered. The room fell silent. "What?!" You asked. "Yeah I'm not Cassidy. I'm Cristopher Afton. Youngest son of William Afton. Owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and the one who killed you all." HE replied. "Wh£r£ !$
c@$$!d¥?!" Chica yelled. "I had to take control or she would have killed you." He added looking at you. "But she is the one who let me fix you. Isn't she?" You said confused. He just looked at you. "Was I even ever talking to Cassidy?" You questioned. "Everything up to the point when she said "You don't understand our anger" was actually her. Everything after that was me." He informed you. "Then that means, you saved me from Chica?" He nodded and you smiled back. "Wait so Afton killed his own son?!" Foxy yelled. "No. It wasn't him." Golden answered. "Then who was it?" You asked. "My brother and his friends. He ment for it to be a prank but it ended up resulting in my death. I don't blame him to much because he didn't mean for it to kill me. But I asked him, begged him not to do it and he did it anyway. So I am still a bit mad." He replied. "But when did you die? We don't remember you dying here." Freddy said. "Because I died first. I died a year or two before any of you. Ever heard of the bite of 87?" He responded. The room fell silent once more. "You were the bite of 87?!" You yelled. "Sadly yes." No one said anything else about it. "So can I call you Cris?" You asked. "Sure." He smiled. You went back over to him and pressed the power off button. Once he had been powered off you continued trying to fix them. You got replacement metal pieces and fixed the joints. You also added a new little feature and hoped it worked. After it was specifically for the ghosts and you were just a normal human kid. Luckily you were smart and with feedback from Foxy and Bonnie on what they can and can't do as ghosts you were sure you were at least close. Finally you powered Cris on. He looked around. "Try walking." You suggested. He started to walk. Like actually walk. Everyone was amazed. He ran over and hugged you. "You give perfect hugs with that new layer of fur." You added. "Thank you so, so, so much!" He cried. "Awe. Your welcome." You replied hugging him back. "I do want to tell you that I may have custom made something for you both." You told him. He looked at you curiously. "I think I managed to make it so that when Cassidy is in control it sounds more like a girl. But when you are in control it sounds more like a boy." You informed him. The whole room was amazed. "Thank you so much." He responded softly. Just then Foxy and Bonnie ran up to you and each gave you a big hug. "You did it Y/N! You fixed Golden Freddy!" They cheered. You hugged them back. "Couldn't have done it without you guys."

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