Broken beyond repair.

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You woke up the next morning feeling well rested. You looked around. You could see a lot better with the sunlight coming through the windows. "Finally awake are ya Lass?" Foxy said with a chuckle. "Lass?" You questioned confused. "Sorry. Y/n." He corrected. "No it's fine." You answered looking away and blushing slightly. "Ya Hungry?" He asked. "A bit." You replied nervously. "Ok." He said giving you a smile. He stood up and stretched before helping you up. You followed him as he jumped down off the stage. He started to go across the room with you following closely behind him. You both entered a room with the words staff only written above the door. Inside the room was an old dusty fridge, a cracked up island, and a bunch of broken cabinets. Some were even missing their doors. "Foxy what are we doing in here?" You asked looking up at him. "Getting you something to eat." He responded. "In here?" You questioned. He didn't answer but you saw him glance over his shoulder at you and smile. "How long has this place been abandoned?" You said looking around. "Only about 10 years." He replied as he walked over to you. "W-what are you-" before you could finish he picked you up and set you on the counter. "Foxy!" You yelled blushing slightly. He giggled. "Oh come on Lass. Relax." He turned around, walked away, and started making something. You talked with him for a bit. (Mostly about your life.) you told him about how you escaped the orphanage and walked for miles in the rain until you found the pizzeria. You also told him about life in the orphanage and how lonely you felt there. The whole time he was working on something but you didn't pay attention to what. Soon you heard an oven beep. Foxy pulled something out of it and set it on the counter. You still didn't pay to much attention to what exactly he was doing but you were getting curious. Soon he came over to you and handed you a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it. "Thanks." You said softly. You gently took the plate from him. "Don't worry." He said. "The ingredients our pizzeria used actually last quite awhile." You weren't really worried in the first place. After all you did already trust him quite a bit. But it was good to know that. You sat there eating your pizza while Foxy just watched you. He was standing only about 8 feet away from you with his arms crossed. Not as if he was angry he was just standing like that. You had just finished your pizza when you heard movement above your head. You looked up to see a vent. Foxy quietly walked over to you and picked you up off the counter. "Shh." He whispered. You listened to him and held onto him tightly. He snuck out of through the door and into a different one close by. It had some boxes in it and a door into a hallway. Foxy ran down the hall and around a corner. He leaned against the wall with you in his arms. "W-what is it?" You asked slightly shaking. Foxy felt your shaking and gently pushed your head into his chest. "It's just Mangle." He answered. "But it's ok I'll keep you safe." You took some deep breaths and relaxed trusting him completely. He could feel you calming down which made him smile slightly. Soon you heard something coming closer... and closer... and closer until. "Boo." You turned your head a bit still buried in Foxy's chest to see a horribly broken animatronic. It didn't even really have a body just wires and pieces of metal. It's head was damaged to. Missing an eye, cracks scattered around the face, and one ear was missing all but the frame. It also had another animatronic skeleton head on the end of one of it's arms. Foxy wrapped his arms around you tighter and ran. "ThaT's nOt faRe FoXy! YouR tHe onLy oNe whO cAn ruN!" You heard it scream. Foxy ran down several hallways and around several corners but eventually ended up at a dead end. Foxy and you turned around to see Mangle. "NoW I geT tO plaY taKe apaRt aNd Put bAck togEtheR. You wOn't fEeL a tHinG." You heard it say. "Mangle! She's just a child!" He yelled tightening his grip on you. (More to comfort him.) "ExaCtly! ChIldRen aRe whaT dId tHis tO mE!" It screamed. "ThEy brOke mE beyonD rEpaiR." "I know but she's different." Foxy added. "HoW dO yoU knoW?!" Mangle yelled. "Please just trust me Mangle! You were a little girl once to!" Foxy answered. "FiNe. BuT iF I seE heR agaIn I wilL nOt heSitaTe tO riP hEr tO shReds!" Mangle replied before leaping up into the vents. Foxy leaned against the wall and took a deep breath letting himself slowly fall down the wall. He hugged you tightly and refused to let you go. You both laid there for a while trying to calm down after the run in with Mangle. "Oh. By the way. Is Mangle a boy or a girl?" You asked looking up at him. He looked back down at you. "She's a girl. Why?" He replied. "Just curious." You answered.

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