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After that convo, Chase offered to give me a lift home. Unlike the first car ride, when we were on our way to Big Al's, our journey on my way home was lively. I was throwing ideas here and there on how to make our bestfriends, Justin and Emily, notice us. They were just ideas, but we still need to work on our planning and execution of these concepts.

Chase was just nodding, but not really suggesting anything. Or maybe he was just having a hard time cutting in. Whatever the reason was, I was glad that I had him on board on this. 

Two is always better than one. Plus, I have a feeling that with his help, this will be resolve sooner.

Our convo about our--well more of my ideas, cut when we were nearing my house. I changed the subject and told him some stories about growing up in this beautiful neighborhood. I even told him to come by often, and check out the park nearby. Chase just said he will. 

But, will he?

It was still a shocking revelation for me when he said that he hasn't figured out his feelings for Emily yet, when all this time I thought that he's in love with her. And what surprised me the most was the fact that he was still willing to help me.

I turned my gaze to him and sighed, he was looking so serious, but chill as he drove. Oh Chase, don't worry. I will make sure you will get a happy ending as well. 

That I will promise.

"Just turn right on that street and we're at my house." I instructed. I was about to invite him inside and offer him some of my chocolate chip cookies that I had baked, as a way of thanking him for his willingness to help me. But the idea was thrown out of the window when suddenly, I saw a very familiar face sitting at the stairs of our patio, looking so worried and serious as he was staring at his phone.

Why is he here?

He might have noticed a car pulled over in front of him and looked up. That was the time I met his stare--it was a mixture of worry and... surprise?

Then it dawned to me why he was looking at me that way, his attention shifted from me to Chase, who just got out of his car, and so did I. They did this unspoken greetings towards each other.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to get his attention back. Justin looked so confused, and to be honest I wanted to make things clear to him right away before he get a wrong idea about me and Chase.

It is important for them not to think of us dating or liking someone else, it will give them the reason to walk away. But at this situation, I just don't know how to stop whatever it is he is thinking without sounding so defensive.

Or am I thinking too much of this? 

What if Justin was just taken aback? 

"It's Friday, Kate. Remember?" He reminded me as if I was the one who forgot about it and ditched him.

"I thought you have tutoring?" I rebutted, but trying not to sound so bitter at all.

"You didn't respond to my message so I thought you're mad at me, and I told Emily what happened. So, we'll continue the tutoring next week instead." I was smiling from ear-to-ear when Justin said this, feeling triumphant that I'm still his number one priority.

"She is really kind. She was the one who told me to go and cut our session, that I shouldn't ditch my best friend, because if it happens to her, she will definitely be mad." He finished with a chuckle, and I've known this guy for so long to know that that is not an ordinary chuckle.

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