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"I thought you're the one attending the concert last night, I didn't know I was in for a treat as well."

What the fckin hell!

How did this happen?

"Yes, Kate. That's three freaking hours of singing, but mostly crying."

I couldn't believe he heard it all - my yelling, screaming, sobbing. He had endured three hours of my insane emotional rollercoaster.

I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself for putting him through that! Even Justin hasn't seen or heard that side of me.

Chase got up from his seat and walked towards me. I noticed he wasn't limping. Does that mean his foot has healed already?

"Did you know why I agreed to help you? " Chase continued walking towards me. The intensity of his gaze made me take a step back. There's like a complete change in his personality. "That is to stop you from crying. God, I hate it when someone cries in front of me. You cried when we first met and I had to hear you cry for three freakin hours last night."

"I'm... sorry?" I answered unsurely. I furrowed my brow, uncertain if I had responded correctly. His gaze was so intense, he was being so stern and direct. I couldn't make up if he was angry or if he was just making a point.

Should I apologize again?

Chase's expression was hard to read, well, that's something about him.One minute he'd be serious, the next he'd be laughing.

When it came to him, I wasn't sure when the serious him showed up.

"Not really the words I was looking for." He clicked his tongue and shook his head, clearly displeased with my answer.

I raised my brow to him and crossed my arms. "Well, for starters, I wasn't even aware I called you." I started. "Second, you should have hung up the phone the moment you heard me crying–which I must say, is the best thing to do. And finally, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you need to hear that."

Chase was humming a tune while thumping his fingers.The look on his face indicated that he was not satisfied with my answer.

What else should I say? I was being completely and totally honest with him.

Maybe that was the fault.

I was too honest and vulnerable with him.

Maybe he found it exhausting?

Maybe I was being too much.

Since we started our alliance, I have brought nothing but trouble. He knew too much about me, I was being too vulnerable and downright dare I say it dramatic.

I was quite a handful! And that accidental phone call last night was the final straw.

I wonder if this was just a ridiculous idea. I think asking for his help or more like including him in this mess was not so smart after all.

Can I really pull it off without his help?

I was so close, real close!


I asked myself. Even myself doubts I could do this on my own. But, I just felt the need to spare Chase from all this trouble. Isn't it enough that he injured himself for all this?

"Look, I didn't mean for any of those things to happen. We can just stop all this and–"

"And what?" He pursed his lips and crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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