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"Fck, Kate! You don't sneak up on people like that!" Chase cursed, clearly surprised when he saw me right next to him as if I have appeared out of nowhere.

"You have to help me." I begged in a desperate and gloomy tone.

Chase slammed the door of his locker and glared at me. "So, what do you call the things I've been doing to you for the past few days, huh?"

I turned away for a second, trying to avoid his black look. I might have said it in a bad way, or maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed--he was acting differently today I wondered what happened. Either way, I should rephrase it.

"Of course you've been really helpful to me for the past few days and I'm so grateful for that. What I mean is, I need more of your help." I restated with a grin.

I heard Chase clicked his tongue and brushed his hair backward with his fingers--clearly wasn't looking amused or what. He was just giving me one of his cold stare, but I was still smiling, well more like a strained one now.

Chase leaned at the locker, eyes fixed on me, and folded his arms. "What is it now?"

I almost clapped my hands from joy, but refrained myself from doing so. He might walk away if I do that. So instead, I took a deep breath and composed myself, hoping that he would really help me with this problem I have.

"My aunt came over last night, and she gave me concert tickets." I started. "It's the Go Radio concert, and god I love them to death!" I gushed. Chase's brow shot up, as if he already has an idea where this conversation is going. But, despite this, I still carried on. "And it's tonight." I bit my lip as I finally revealed the last three words.

At the beginning of this week, Chase made me agree to come and watch a grotesque movie that Justin and Emily were planning to watch this Friday--tonight. This would probably be our first hangout that I had wanted.

But, unfortunately, I have a concert to attend instead. Well, not that I was trying to run away from that horrible choice of a film, it's just that I'd been waiting for this Go Radio concert since my aunt introduced them to me. There is something about their music that has drawn me to them, it's as if they're talking to me. Yes, it's different from my usual Taylor, Selena, Biebs, genre. But Go Radio will and forever be my exception.

I was so torn. Yes, I wouldn't want Justin and Emily to be alone, especially with that kind of film. That's a definite making you closer kind of movie! But at the same time, I might not have this Go Radio opportunity again.

That's why, I need Chase's help.

"No way!" Chase drawled. I was impressed that he already understood what I wanted to ask of him, and at the same time, I kinda expected him to say it. But why was I still so hopeful that he would?

"Chase, it's not that..."

"No way I'm going to be the third wheel, Kate. Your plan, your problem." He turned around and started walking away. He was clearly pissed off.

Okay, now that I heard it coming from him, it did sound ridiculous. And not quite a pleasant plan. If I were him, I would have said no as well. But would I? Knowing how desperate I am, I might still do it though. Third wheel of not, I just don't want the idea of Justin and Emily together.


"Okay, I get it. It was stupid. But hear me out." I was following him, though he was just walking, I was almost sprinting just to catch up with him, and it was so tiring to talk and chase at the same time! With that, I gathered all the strength I have to drag him in the nearby janitor's closet.

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