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"What was that all about?" Justin broke the silence that was hanging in the air for too long as he drove.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, honestly feeling dumb about it. I was too tired to think which one he was referring to anyway.

There was silence for brief seconds before he cleared his throat and answered, "I haven't seen you so concerned with anyone like how you did with Chase." His tone was flat and implying. I wasn't so sure where he wanted this convo to lead, but one thing's for sure, he was obviously suggesting that Chase and I have some romantic relationship going on between us, and it's stressing him out that I was hiding this information from him.

What was there to hide if the said relationship was non-existence anyway?

So how would I explain that he was wrong, that all my concern towards Chase was because of guilt? That I might have been the reason for Chase's injury because I told him to do something to stop Emily and my naive bestfriend from spending time alone, that's why I was so damn concern about him?

Clearly, there's no way around this to extract a sensible and acceptable lie to cultivate. It would be too obvious. But, if I won't do something about it, he might think that my concerns toward Chase has something to do with my romantic feelings for him.

Chase is my friend. He is just a friend.

And he really is.

Then, an idea came in mind.

"Chase is a friend. It's only normal to feel concern about a friend, right?" I answered him sternly. This was probably the most honest words I had told him after all the web of lies I said in the past.

He went silent after that, didn't have any response of anything which was very unusual of him. His expression was serious and hard. Like he was contemplating to push it or try to challenge my answer, but he simply resigned and accepted my answer instead.

The ride home was awkward, he didn't ask or say anything more which bothered me. I turned to Justin and his expression was too serious, stern, and grim.

This made me heart clench in pain.

I wish you knew how much I love you. What I was willing to do to make you look at me differently, the real words that I wanted to say instead of these lies. I wish you knew.

Neither of us had said anything after that. We got off right after he parked his car in front of his house. I thanked him for the ride, but right when I was heading to the direction of my house, he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"You are hiding something from me, Kate. I know it." His tone dead-serious and accusatory, his expression was all saying that he wasn't in the mood for another lie. Like he would flip if I would say something he wouldn't like.

But, what do you want me to say then? That I was doing all this because I fell in love with you? Your supposed to be the bestfriend, like a sister to you even? This was the truth, but I'd rather hide this truth than lose you.

So, what should I say?

I was about to say the most used up line and the salvation of all lies—I don't know what you're talking about—line, but was suddenly went mute when his phone started ringing.

I saw him contemplating whether to answer it or not, but I urged him to do it. Justin didn't let go of his hold onto me. Instead, he used his left hand to scoop the phone out of his pocket. With that motion, I had a quick view of who the caller was.

He immediately drop his grip on my wrist and his expression softened at the sight of the caller.


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