Wonderful Family Reunion.

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!!! Disclaimer: Violence and abuse. !!!

"Aaagghhhh thank god it's Sunday! No school, no work! Just a whole day for myself to do whatever I want!"

Joey spoke out to himself with no one else in his house. He was stretching and turning with a happy and a big bright smile across his cheeks. 

"Glad I don't need to see that jerks face today. I need a break from that foul personality of his..."

Joey muttered out and felt his smile fade away as his mind wandered back to yesterdays chaos. Such a big embarrassment.

"I got a goddamn boner because of him... na, not because of  him, but because of his action! Or.... AGH! I can't deal with this right now! Not this early at least!"

Joey yelled out and turned and twisted in embarrassment on his bed. He curled up into a ball, hidden under the duvet and kept on groaning.

"Great. Now I'm in a bad mood again... jerk... asshole. But I got him good yesterday, calling him a kitty and all. That really took him by surprise! But... why did he blush that much? Was it really that embarrassing for him to be called that? Then... Maybe I should keep calling him that! After all... now that I know how to shut him up, why not use it against him?"

Joey kept talking to himself as if someone else would be in the room to listen. He eventually got out of bed, wearing nothing but briefs and a white tank top. He yawned as he walked towards the small kitchen counter. He looked around.

"Nasty... I gotta clean up here... Buuuut later! First some breakfast~!."

He muttered and bend down to look into the fridge. He wasn't surprised to find absolutely nothing other then cans of beer, some rotten vegetables and spoiled milk that sting Joey's nose when the smell hit him.

"For fuck sake. I'm so tired of that old man of mine."

He closed the fridge, too hungry to bother to clean up there too and pouted as his belly started to growl. He rubbed his belly and sighed out.

"Guess I'll have to use my emergency money to buy some stuff... Bye bye savings... it was nice getting to know ya..."

Joey went back into his room and went into his wardrobe. He had hidden some money there that he pulled out. It wasn't much, just enough to be able to buy groceries and a buss ticket back and forth. He put some clothes on and pulled his hair up into a small, messy, man bun. A bun he was proud of since he loved his middle length long hair. He opened the door once he got his shoes on and gasped as a tall figure stood there hovering over him. Joey's eyes grew dull and empty as he realized who it was, and he quickly looked away from the tall figure in front.

"Where the hell are you going this early on da morning??"

Joey didn't respond at first, wanting to ignore him, but gasped as the man pulled on Joey's collar and shock him back and forth like he was a baby.


Joey kept staring away, watching as people who walked by was staring at the two. Judging them. He didn't want to make a scene, so he let go of his pride and ego and took a deep breath to prepare himself to answer.

"... I'm going to go out for a bit... dad..."

Joey muttered out and finally got the courage to look back at his intimidating drunk father. He reeked of alcohol, cigarettes and sweat, a smell Joey had grew up with but never gotten used too. It was horrendous and made Joey quiver and feel nauseous every time he felt that sent.

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