A Helping Hand.

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"Put your seatbelt on."

Seto repeated himself as he drove through the city with Joey deep in his own thoughts as the world was spinning around for him. What just happened? How did it happen? Was it his fault? Was this mess caused because of him?


Seto said, trying yet again to get Joey's attention, but there was no reaction from him.


Seto said sharply as he put his foot on the breaks, making the car come to a sharp halt which made Joey almost flew off his seat.

"W-What the hell?! Can't you drive?!"

Joey said as he was forced to snap out of his thoughts. Now staring at Seto who drove off towards the edge of the road and parked. He turned his body towards the blonde and looked at him with a worried expression across his face.

"Whatever you're thinking about. Whatever dark thing your bean brain is having right now, stop it."

Seto muttered out as he wasn't quite sure of how to really console Joey. He didn't mean anything bad really, it just felt out of place to him if he would suddenly turn completely nice towards the blonde boy.

"You... what... agh! You're an idiot!... I'm off."

Joey said, feeling completely defeated by the situation he was in as his tears kept running down his cheeks. He really couldn't deal with Seto's insults right now, so instead of bickering back and forth with him, he found it better to just run away from the situation instead.

"Who said you could leave? You're not going anywhere."

Seto said, as he took ahold of Joey's hand, pulling him back in into the car before Joey had the chance to completely exit it.

"The hell?! You really enjoy watching me suffer, don't you!? Or is it that you like to make me suffer that you enjoy so much, huh?! Well, go ahead and do it any other goddamn day! Just not today! Just... just not today. Please. I can't deal with much more right now. I feel like.. I'm about to explode."

Joey expressed himself, feeling his body tremble as he was holding back with all his might so that he wouldn't ugly cry in front of Seto.

"... I can't say I don't enjoy making you mad, or make you frustrated, or even make you go crazy sometimes, but what I don't like is, is to see you cry because of someone else hurting you."

"Yeah right. Stop playing games already! I already told you, I can't deal with this right now!"

Joey yelled out. He wanted to just run away, but was held back in place by Seto.

"I am not lying, and I'm not playing around."

Kaiba defended himself, but the glare Joey give him proved the brunette that the blonde boy wouldn't trust him that quickly. He couldn't blame him though. Who would suddenly start to trust someone who had been nothing but mean towards him for years?

"I'm going to be honest with you. Frankly, I think you're being an idiot thinking I would just leave you alone right now when you look so powerless and weak. I've been mean to you, but have I done nothing to prove to you that I have kindness within me as well?"

Seto said, watching as Joey stopped struggling against him, and was deep in his own thoughts as he started to think back of all the kind things Seto had done to him. He got him a new school uniform, he was concerned about him, he fed him and now he even saved him from a possible bad situation that could've occurred if he had stayed there with his father.

"....I don't get it. Even if you have been kind to me from time to time... You hate me. So why... why would you care if it ain't to gain anything from it?"

No Fighting. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz