Indescribable Feelings

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Joey was completely mortified. He sat up on his bed and rubbed his head.

"How could I be so stupid and dream about that jerk? And not just any dream... a dream about-..."

Joey gulped. The words wouldn't come out. He was so embarrassed.

He got up eventually and put on his jogging clothes and went out for a morning run. He wanted to do anything to forget about that dream, but as the day passed by, Joey couldn't do anything else other than to think off that dream. Even in school. Thankfully, Kaiba wasn't there today so he didn't have to face him directly.


Tristan yelled out and wrapped his arm around Joey's neck. Holding him in a choke hold and grinned.

"You've lost it man! Usually you would spot me coming from miles away! You've lost your only talent!"

Tristan's laughed as Joey tried to get out of that chock hold

"Oh yeah?!"

And just like that, Joey managed to swing Tristan over his shoulder, making Tristan land on his back against Joey's school table.

"Looks like I still got it in me, heh, heh, he~"

Joey smiled which made the whole gang smile too.

"Welcome back to earth Joey. We missed you"

Tea said while ruffling Joey's hair up. Tea and Joey wasn't the closest of friends, but they genuinely cared for each other.

"You has us worried there bud. What's been on your mind the whole day? You didn't even come and eat with us at lunch time."

Joey sighed and rubbed his forehead. How was he supposed to explain what had happened? And how was he possibly supposed to tell them about his dream without being misunderstood.

"Well... uh... you see I had a weird day yesterday... and I was really tired, so that made me have this really weird dream."

Joey paused and now rubbed his arm. They were sitting in the classroom. Anyone could hear him talk. His classmates or anyone walking by may hear about his dream and that would probably lead to a lot of people thinking he was gay.

"So?? What about that dream made you be like this?"

Tea said and crossed her arms together while staring at Joey. Tristan and Yugi did the same, but Yugi went up to Joey and pulled on His sleeve to make Joey lean down for him.

Yugi stood on his toes to lean up further to Joey's ear and whispered.

"If you don't want to tell us then you don't have too feel pressured. Whatever you dreamed off is just a dream after all. They're usually meaningless and outright ridiculous. So don't think about it anymore and focus on the real world"

Yugi took a step back and smiled brightly up towards Joey who now was so moved by Yugi's words that he had some tears in his eyes.

He rubbed his tears away and smiled back towards Yugi.

"Thanks man. I needed that!"

Tristan and Tea frowned. The both of them were curious people, so they took a hold of Yugi and Joey and stepped out of the classroom and up towards the school roof.

"Ugh. It smells like old curry here."

Tristan commented while willing up the stairs witch made Joey blush a little as he was yet again reminded of Seto Kaiba and yesterday's accident.

"Spit it out already! You're hiding something from us and we deserve to know!"

Tea said and pouted a little while staring at Joey's red cheeks.

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