The curry accident

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It was finally time for a lunch break. Joey was starving and no one could stand between him and his curry now. He opened up the plastic bag that was wrapped around his bento (Japanese lunch box) to avoid any leakage, but it had already leaked out, or rather, spilled all over. His whole lunch spill all over his desk top.

That fall Joey had taken earlier by Kaiba must've been the cause of this horrible accident.


Joey yelled out and stood up. His eyes were red as fire. He started to look around for Seto but he wasn't anywhere around.


Joey asked out loudly towards one of his classmates. Tristan give Joey a bang on the head to make him stop screaming so loudly.

"Chill dude, you're scaring the girls away. What's your deal with Kaiba anyways? And before you do anything, you should clean that up."

Tristan said and kept on nudging and punching Joey playfully until Joey grabbed Tristan's fists and held them behind his back to stop him from being able to move.

"I'll do that later. Just tell me where he went. It's important business matter here."

Joey said more calmly, that's when Yugi jumped in on the conversation and smiled softly towards his best friend.

"He went upstairs. He asked me to duel him right as I returned from the cafeteria. I think he's on his way to the roof top."

Yugi answered and pointed towards the location. Joey smiled back to him and let Tristan go.

"Thanks pals! I'll be right back!"

Joey scooped the rice and the curry back into the bento and rushed up towards the stairs. He spot a glimpse of Kaiba and run faster to catch up.



Seto asked and stoped walking. He was just at the door to the roof and growled loudly while he turned his body towards the annoying blonde boy.

Joey didn't think Seto would stop so he accidentally run right into him. He had to let his bento go, splashing curry all over their pants and shoes, and as if that wasn't enough, Joey had to push against Seto's chest to not run face in into his chest with his curry fingers, smudging curry all over his white shirt as well.

Joey instantly realized what a mess he had created and didn't even dare to look up. His eyes was locked down on their curry covered shoes. He could hear and even feel Seto's heavy breathing that he breathed down his hair. Joey gulped and took a deep breath in and then let it out.

"I..I-M SO SOR-"

Joey could feel a hard grip from his cheeks down to his chin. Seto has grabbed onto it and forcefully lift Joey's gaze up from the ground. Now they had their eyes locked on one another, staring intensely at each other. They were both quiet for a few seconds, but those few seconds felt like minutes.

"Lick it."

Seto said while keeping his gaze sharp.

Joey blinked hard, shocked from what he had just heard. He pushed Seto's hand away from his face and took a step down.


"You were going to ask for my apology just now. Didn't you?"

Seto said and smirked, licking his lips before continuing-

"If you're sorry, then prove it to me by licking up the mess you've created."

Joey couldn't believe what he was hearing. He took another step back and glared at him as if he was the biggest creep in the world.

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