Bonding Moment

555 26 18

Joey was so embarrassed that Seto had seen those scares of his. He had totally forgotten about them. It was after all a long time ago it happened and something he'd suppressed for a long time.

Joey squeezed his shirt as the memories riled up into his mind. It started to feel harder and harder to breathe, almost as if someone was sitting on him, suffocating him.

"I-I need to go out for a bit..."

Joey's voice was shaky and his arms too. It was clear that he suffered from trauma, but Joey didn't have time or the money for any treatment.

Seto who walked right behind him heard him speak. He got concerned look on his face, and decided to follow him.

He walked in a slower phase, letting Joey get out of the building and breathe in deep breaths, but they only got more and more uneven, as well as trembly.

Seto started to walk faster towards Joey.

"Hey, whats going on? Do you have asthma or something? Should I take you to a doctor?"

Kaiba wasn't as cold hearted as everyone saw him as, it was just a persona he had to put on so that people wouldn't think that he was weak, but seeing someone suffer the way Joey was doing made Kaiba drop his guard.

As he got to him, Joey collapsed in Seto's arms. Seto, holding him up with his arms wrapped around Joey once again. Seto slowly sat Joey down on the ground, holding both of his shoulders so that he wouldn't fall. He took a closer look at him and that's when he put two and two together and realized that Joey was suffering from a panic attack, something he was very familiar with.

"Hey, Wheeler. I need you to look at me and do some breathing exercise, so breathe with me now, ok?... inhale.... and now exhale.... inhale.... and exhale..."

Joey sat with him like that for a while, breathing until he got the straight to get up again, with some help from Kaiba.

"S-Sorry you had to see that! All that masculinity that I had left in your eyes are probably all gone now, isn't it?! Hehehe..."

Joey said with a nervous and a pretty much upfront fake laugh.

Seto frowned and held his cheek gently in his palm while staring into Joey's eyes.

"No. Masculinity and a breakdown isn't even close to being related to one another. I don't get where you got the conclusion from, but just because I spot you be venerable doesn't mean I'm going to use it against you, not when I don't have anything to gain from it. However. I do think of you being more of an idiot then before for having that thought, and that's your fault."

He grinned and then walked passed him.

"I'm going back to class. You should go home for today. Forget about the assignment for now."

Joey watched as Seto walked into the school building. The only thing he could do was to not at his words, but no sound came out. The way he saw Seto in the morning and the way he sees him now is two completely two different people.

"Kaiba is kind of cool when he wants too..."

Joey thought with a light blush across his cheeks.

"GAAHH!!! What's with me all of a sudden?!"

Joey yelled out and slapped both of his cheeks as hard as he could to snap out of it.

"Home... im going home."

He muttered and walked home. This day had been to intense and too tiresome. He was still very hungry from not being able to eat his curry. He muttered the whole way home, being both mad and happy over today's weirdness. He had seen a side of Kaiba that not many knew off, or saw, but he did... Joey saw it all.

He couldn't stop thinking about it. About how sweet Kaiba was towards him, how he spoke so gently and cared for him, sure, his friends cared for him too but the way Kaiba held him felt different, almost kind off... sensual.


Joey was making another pot off curry, and the thought made him drop the spoon he used to stir the pot, and yet again, there was curry on him.

"GOD! I'm sick and tired of curry! UGH! And this school uniform is new too!"

"The.... new uniform..."

"The new school uniform... that Kaiba got for me..."

Joey took up the spoon and tossed it into the dishwasher. He cleaned up and now Kaiba was yet again in his mind.

Before he knew it, it was night time, and Joey was exhausted. He changed out of his clothes and only wore briefs. It was still pretty early but Joey was beat. Some good night sleep would probably get Kaiba off the mind!

He closed his eyes, and right as he did, the door knocked.

Joey jolt up. The only one who knocks on the door was the landlord and....

"He can't be out of prison already?... or..."

Joey took a deep breath and got out of bed. He slowly stepped towards the door that kept on knocking. It was too late for the landlord to visit, so it could only be-

He opened the door and Joey sighed out in relief.

"Oh, it's just you... Why are you here?"

In front of him stood Seto Kaiba, holding a bag in his hand.

"Don't you ever say hi, hm? You had forgotten your school bag at school so I came all the way to hand it over."

Joey smiled softly and took it, that's when he noticed Kaiba blush. His eyes were on Joey's body again. Staring at him, but this time Kaiba didn't look away.

"T-thanks... sorry for the trouble."

Now Joey started to blush too, feeling quite shy, especially after what happened today. Joey felt ashamed yet again over his body, so he tightened the grip around his school bag and looked down, not being able to meet Kaiba's gaze.

"S-see ya tomorrow then!

Joey stuttered out, slowly rising his head up again to wave goodbye, but once he looked up, he met up with icy blue eyes, staring directly and closely into his own honey brown eyes. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he found himself unable to look away now. He felt two large hands wrap around his waist, and before he knew it, he was being pulled in closer towards the brunette.

"K-Kaiba- mmh!"

Seto met Joey's lips, gently kissing him while holding onto his waist.
It felt like everything was in slow motion. Joey closed his eyes and tried to think but it felt so unreal, how could this be happening? Joey dropped his school bag as the shivers run down his hands and arms, making him feel numb all over. He wrapped his hands around him, kissing him as good as he possibly could, but he was unexperienced. When he opened his eyes again to look at him, it was dark.

Joey huffed and puffed in order to catch his breath again as he looked up at the dark sealing above him with big and shocked eyes. He was back in his bed, having the cover on him. He checked the time and growled lightly as it was 5:00am.

"It was all... just a dream?..."

No Fighting. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon