A Little Bit Of Kindness Goes A Long Way

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It was now night time, and tomorrow was a school day, aka, a day where Joey had to go and meet up with Seto freaking Kaiba again. Something Joey clearly didn't want to do since he still tried to avoid every single thing and thought about him. The thought of him alone made him angry, yet so calm and warm inside... something he hadn't experienced before, which made the blonde just more and more confused for each passing thought.

"I'm so... hungry."

Joey muttered and rubbed his belly that was still growling, but now with pain. He still hadn't eaten anything from this morning. He was gifted some snacks by Duke as he got his hair chopped off, but other than that, he hadn't had anything else that day.

"Cmon... just sleep already."

Joey covered his head with his pillow, trying to force himself to sleep and at the same time muffle the sounds that were coming from inside the other room. His father had the tv on with the volume on max. It annoyed the crap out of him, but he couldn't do shit about it other than to just lay there and try and ignore it.

"I hate this place..."

Joey closed his eyes shut, feeling some pain in his right eye from the slap his father had gifted him with. He tried to imagine himself being somewhere else, somewhere quiet, but all that came up was Seto Kaiba and that dream he had about him a few nights ago.


Every time he relaxed, his mind wandered to the thought of Kaiba, which he refused to allow. In the end, he couldn't sleep at all, and decided to go to school early. He opened the door to his classroom, hoping to be alone for a while but of freaking corse... Seto Kaiba was there.

"Why do you gotta be here!?..."

Joey groaned out as he walked into the classroom. It was yet again an early morning with only the two of them, one on one... all alone in the room.

"What do you mean why? If you haven't noticed already, I go to school here."

Seto sharply answered. He placed the book he was reading down on his desk and gazed upon the blonde, and as he did, got surprised by Joey's new look, and also his black eye.

"Your hair-"

"Yeah. I cut it. So what?"

Joey answered instantly, cutting off Seto before he had the chance to finish his sentence.


"What do you mean why? It was long and.... I got tired of it."

Joey lied as he brushed his hand through his hair. He never knew he would like his own hair this much, but cutting it off was the right decision. It had after all been infected by his fathers disgusting hands that has touched it. He couldn't stand having anything his father touched on him. He wanted to get rid of every singe thing that reminded him of his dad.


Seto said as his response and returned to his book.

"What about your eye then?"

Kaiba couldn't help himself as he asked, knowing it was out of his character to care, but still, wanted to desperately know what happened to him.

"... a fight. What else? Stop asking me stuff."

Joey answered with a slight annoyed attitude towards him. Kaiba didn't respond at all this time, as he figured the answer would be something like what the pup had provided him with.

It was yet again lunch break, but Joey didn't have anything to eat this time. No curry, no nothing. He groaned as he laid his head on top of his desk. Tired, and so hungry.

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