Chapter 1

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Roman's P.O.V

    "Your Highness! Where are you?!" I hear a servant call out as they start to panic. I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I make sure to keep a good grip on the wall. I'm currently hiding from my servants on top of the roof. I climbed onto my balcony and up the small grooves in the wall. You wouldn't know they were there unless you were focusing on them. My father would have fixed them but they only go up from here and I'm on the third floor of the castle. He'd never think that I of all people would climb up them. 

"Not again. Inform the guards. The Prince has run off again," another servant says. 

"No need," a familiar voice says. 

"Oh no," I mumble. It's Logan. My closest friend and future advisor. 

"Please leave," he says. 

"But-" the first servant starts but Logan cuts them off. 

"I assure you he hasn't gone far and I need to start preparing some papers for him," Logan says. There's a moment of silence before I hear the door close.

I hold my breath in anticipation. 

"Come back inside before you fall," Logan says as he walks out onto the balcony and looks up at me with his piercing green eyes even from behind his eyeglasses. His usual neat black hair is tousled lightly by the wind. His pale skin seems brighter in the direct sunlight. 

"How did you know I was here this time?" I ask. 

"I would've seen you had you gone down your other escape route," he says simply. 

"Ugh. I really need to find new ones. You know all mine," I say with annoyance. I carefully and expertly climb back down and walk into my chambers. 

"Don't you think you should be spending your time learning your future duties as king?" Logan asks me. 

"That's how most of my time is spent. I'm still only 18 and it's not like I'll be king any time soon. My father is in perfect health. Plus he promised me he'll wait until I'm 21 before searching for my future betrothed. I think I should be allowed to fool around a bit," I tell him. He sighs but doesn't say anything.

"I'm going out," I tell him. 

"I'll go with you," he says. 

"I want to be alone, Logan," I tell him. He sighs again. 

"Stay within the castle grounds and take your sword just in case. Be back before dark," he says. I nod and grab my sword. Then I strap it to my belt. 

"You're worse than my mother," I tell him. 

"We care about you," he says. 

"Yeah I know," I mumble as I leave my chambers. I walk down the corridor towards the stairs. 

"Your Highness! There you are!" a servant says as they run up to me. 

"His Majesty requests your presence," they say with a bow. 

"Where is he?" I ask in return. 

"The Great Hall," they respond. I wave them off with a friendly smile and make my way to where my father is. When I reach it I walk in through the main doors. 

"You wanted to see me father," I say as I walk closer to him.

    "Roman. How are you?" he asks with his calming tone. His blond hair is neatly combed. He's looking at me kindly with his green eyes. I get most of my looks from my mother. However my father and I both share our slightly tanned skin. 

Royally in Love - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now