Chapter 2

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Virgil's P.O.V

"Excuse me? Your Highness? His Majesty requests your presence in the Great Hall," a servant says to me. I'm currently sitting under a tree in the courtyard reading a spellbook. I look up at the servant and give a nod telling her I'm going. I stand up and make my way to the Great Hall. When I reach it I find my older brother Janus already there. He's taller than me with black hair and amber yellow eyes. He's not as fair skinned as me and our father. His loyal servant Remus is right next to him. He's of average height with brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. I don't have a personal servant. The reason is because I didn't want someone following me around. I'm more than capable of handling myself. 

"Virgil. Come here," my father says. My father is a tall man with the same dark brown hair and fair skin but his eyes are green. 

"Is something the matter?" I ask. 

"Not at all, baby brother. You'll be going on a trip," Janus says with a smirk. 

"Don't call me that. What do you mean by trip?" I say and ask.

"An old friend of mine has reached out for my help. His wife is very sick and doesn't seem to be getting better. He's hoping there's something I can do to help. You're coming in case I need your help. Your brother will handle the kingdom's affairs while I'm gone. Under Haytham's supervision of course," my father explains. 

"Do I have a choice in this matter?" I ask. 

"Not this time. We'll be gone a month at most so pack accordingly," father says apologetically. I sigh but nod my agreement. 

"We leave tomorrow and should arrive in three days. Have a servant pack your things," he says. 

"Alright. I'll ask a servant to help me do it," I say and begin to leave. 

"What do you mean you'll ask? They're servants. It's their job," Janus says. I roll my eyes and continue leaving.

I make my way to my chambers and on the way happen to run into a female servant that I'm familiar with. She's an older woman who used to help me dress when I was younger. "

Are you busy?" I ask. 

"No Your Highness," she says with a slight bow. 

"Can you follow me? I could use some help gathering some clothes for a trip to another kingdom. I'll be there for about a month," I tell her. 

"Of course your highness," she says. We walk to my chambers and I gesture for her to start pulling some clothes out. She's been a servant here for a long time so she has some idea on how I'm supposed to dress. While she's doing that I sit on my bed and continue reading.

She lays out various articles of clothing before asking my opinion. 

"Those will do. Pack them in a bag for me please," I tell her after looking them over. 

"Is that all you need, Your Highness?" she asks. 

"Yes. Thank you," I tell her. She leaves my chambers and I return to reading my spellbook. I'm not as far in my studies as my brother so I'm trying to catch up. Although my father did tell me my magic is stronger than my brothers at my age. Much to my brother's annoyance. A knock on my door makes me look up. 

"Dinner will be served soon, Your Highness," the servant tells me. I nod and close my spellbook. I stand up and set it on my bed. Then I leave my chambers, making sure to lock it behind me. I head to the dining hall.

"Have you packed?" my father asks as I sit down. 

"Yes. Would it be alright for me to bring the current spellbook I'm working with?" I ask knowing he doesn't like us taking them out of the castle. 

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