Chapter 10

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Virgil's P.O.V

After spotting Roman and Princess Cassandra together in the garden where they seemed pretty close I went to my chambers. I try to tell myself that Roman wouldn't do anything to hurt me. However, I also realize that he has no obligation to me. We aren't engaged. That means if he decides that he likes her then there's nothing preventing him from being with her. I would hate it but if he's happy then I'd be happy for him. 

"Stop thinking about this Virgil," I tell myself. So instead of making myself upset I just pull out the spell book I brought with me. I start reading through it to distract myself. These are advanced spells so I can't practice them but I can memorize them.

A few hours pass when there's a knock on my door. 

"Come in," I say. The door opens and my brother walks in. 

"Of course you're reading. Did you forget? The ball? The whole reason we're here?" he asks. 

"Damn it. I got caught up in reading. Is it about to start?" I ask as I set my book aside. 

"I had a feeling you'd forget. It's half past eight. You have half an hour," he says. 

"Thanks. I'll get ready now," I say as I walk over to the tub. It's already been filled. I just need to use a spell to warm it up. 

"I'll wait out here," he says and leaves the room. I quickly bathe before walking over to my stuff. I get dressed in the clothes my brother helped me pick out specifically for the ball. Once I'm dressed I leave my room. 

"Ready?" my brother asks. 

"As I'll ever be," I say with a sigh.

We walk through the corridor and we spot a servant. 

"Can you lead us to the ballroom?" Janus asks them. 

"Of course Your Highness," they say and lead us down a series of corridors. 

"Just inside here," they say gesturing inside. We nod our thanks and walk in through the large double doors. Luckily we aren't the last to arrive. The ball has already started. I spot Roman near the center of the room talking to a few of the other guests. Two more guests arrive after us. Princess Cassandra I notice is one of them with her father. I keep my face neutral even though it's obvious she planned to enter last so that everyone will see her. At least it's obvious to me. 

"Prince Janus," one of the kings, gets my brother's attention. 

"I'll be right over here," Janus tells me before walking over and greeting them.

The ball goes on and everything seems to be going well. Roman has danced with a few people already. I'm not much of a dancer. I can dance. I just don't like to. Roman knows this. He keeps glancing over at me with small smiles. He's the man of the hour though so he keeps getting stopped each time he tries to make his way to me. I don't mind though. He'll get to me as soon as he's able. If for some reason he can't during the ball then I'm confident that he'll come to see me tomorrow. Besides, I'm in the same room next to his afterall. A few neighboring kingdom princes and princesses make small talk with me as well. Everyone seems to be trying to make some kind of tie with each other. I lose track of Roman after a while. When the prince I'm talking to walks off I look around for him. 

"Prince Virgil?" a female voice says from behind me.

"Princess Cassandra," I say politely. 

"May I speak with you in private?" she asks. I do not want to talk to her. 

"Sure," I tell her. We walk off to the side and she tells me something I didn't expect. 

"Prince Roman has managed to sneak out due to my help and he told me to tell you that he'd like to see you in the gardens near the fountain," she says. I look at her with surprise. She smiles with a kind smile. I look around but indeed don't see Roman. 

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