Chapter 9

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Roman's P.O.V

I wake up and when I remember the day I immediately break out into a grin. I'm turning 21 today. Which means my parents will be throwing a ball in hopes that I will find my future partner. Of course I already know who I want to marry. The reason I'm so excited is because Virgil will be there. I haven't seen him since he helped heal my mother with his father. Unfortunately. Even though we've both had birthdays since then we weren't able to go to each other's kingdoms. We didn't need to since our past birthdays weren't considered important enough to visit each other. Besides, we've both had too many duties and no time to visit one another. We've written to each other every week though. I've learned a lot about him.

Even though I haven't seen him in person I'm positive now. I love him. I get out of bed and walk over to get ready for the day. I bathed last night. There will be birthday celebrations all day but tonight is the ball. Others from neighboring kingdoms will be coming anytime during the day since some kingdoms are further away. They had to leave their kingdoms early to make it on time. Virgil is the only person I'm looking forward to seeing though. 

However, I'm a prince which means I'll need to be polite to everyone who attends. I'll probably be doing a lot of dancing. I don't mind though. This whole thing is just for show. To make other kingdoms feel welcome and strengthen ties through friendships. At least that's what my mother said when she told me I'd be having a ball. She explained that even though I already know who I want to marry I need to make other kingdoms think they have a chance. Politics. I seriously hate them but as the future king I have to deal with them.

A knock on my door catches my attention. 

"Your Highness?" Patton's voice calls through my door. Before I can even respond the door opens and Logan walks in. Patton follows behind. 

"Good. You're awake. Your parents asked me to fetch you for breakfast. They were worried you'd sleep in," Logan says. 

"Nope. I'm too excited to sleep in," I say with a grin. 

"Happy birthday Roman," Patton says with a smile. He then starts to straighten up my bed. 

"Yes. Happy birthday," Logan adds. 

"Thanks guys," I say fondly. 

"We should get going. Your breakfast will be served soon," Patton tells me. 

"Alright," I say as I strap my sword to my side, "Let's go." We leave my chambers. As we walk through the corridors there's people moving about preparing for the day's events.

Even though I've had many birthday celebrations in the past, none have been this important. None have made me more excited. I'm going to see Virgil again. That and my parents have told me there were going to be special events held. They haven't told me what yet but I'm looking forward to what they may have planned. 

"I'll see you both later. I need to help with the preparations," Logan tells Patton and I. 

"See you later Lo," Patton says, grabbing his hand with a smile. Logan gives him a small smile before squeezing his hand and then walking away. Patton watches him walk away. 

"You two are so good together," I tell Patton as we continue walking. 

"Thank you, Your Highness," Patton responds happily.

We reach the dining hall. 

"Happy Birthday sweetheart," my mother says. I take my seat while Patton stands off to the side. 

"Yes. Happy Birthday son," my father adds. 

"Thank you both," I say as my father gestures for breakfast to be served. 

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