Chapter 6

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Virgil's P.O.V

I'm making my way to the king and queen's chambers. 

It's been a few weeks since I came to the kingdom of Bellamy with my father. Each day has been the same. I wake up, eat breakfast, head to the gardens to read, then my father summons me to help heal Queen Diana. Once I'm done with that I spend the rest of the day with Roman. We usually just spend our time talking at the lake, the gardens or just as we walk around the castle. Sometimes though he talks me into sparring with him. Turns out we're pretty evenly matched when I use my dagger and him a sword. We tried using the same weapon at one point but the fights ended pretty quickly. 

He also takes up most of my nights because we'll talk on my balcony. As I make my way to their chambers I walk a bit slower than usual.

Not purposely. I'm just bummed out. Today should be the last day of Queen Diana's treatment. After today she'll be healed and able to go back to her normal life. I'm happy for her and glad I could help but.. Her being healed means it will be time for me to go back home. I feel terrible for feeling like this. Roman will be able to eat meals and spend more time with his mother. I hate myself for letting the thought of making her treatment take longer by not doing my best even cross my mind. Even if it was for a second. 

"Hey. Are you okay?" I hear from ahead of me. I look up and see Roman standing outside his parents chambers. Oh yeah. How did I forget that when he doesn't have anything to work on he'll sit in on her cleansing?

I stop in front of the door. 

"I'm fine," I lie. 

"Are you sure? You look upset," he says as he steps closer to me. 

"It's nothing important," I tell him. 

"If it's bugging you then I think that makes it important," he says. Kind as always. 

"Please let it go," I say softly. 

"Alright," he says. "Shall we go in?" he asks with a small smile. I nod and he opens the door. We walk in. Queen Diana is sitting up with a small smile on her face as she talks to her husband and my father. They all turn to Roman and I when the door closes behind us. The queen smiles a bit brighter at her son. I noticed a while ago where Roman gets his smile from. His mother. 

"You're a little later than usual. Did something happen?" my father asks. 

"No. I apologize for being late," I say with a small forced smile.

My father narrows his eyes slightly at me but says nothing. 

"Let's begin then. Would you please lay back down, Your Majesty?" my father says. She does as he instructed and lays down on her back. Roman and his father stand off to the side. 

"We'll be going much longer than usual so that we can definitely finish by today. Are you prepared?" my father says and asks me. 

"Yes father," I say and hold out my hands over the queen. I've been pushing my magic further and further everyday. I expected that today I would be using it for longer. So, instead of reading in the gardens I was collecting mana. I did so the usual way. I sat and connected myself with the natural magic of the world around me. 

"Sana et mundare," I say at the same time as my father.

Hours pass. We're almost done. I'm really straining my magic though. I already feel drained. I glance at Roman who's watching his mother. I refocus and tell myself I'm doing this for Roman. I almost lose my focus but straighten my thoughts again. Why did I think that? Am I really only doing this for him? No. Part of me is doing this because I want to help her but I know in my heart the main reason I continue doing this and pushing myself everyday. It's because of Roman. I want him to be happy. I want to be at least part of the reason he's happy. With that thought I feel my mana build back up. Just enough for me to keep going for at least another couple hours. It surprises me and I look up at my father. Before I open my mouth I see that he looks surprised as well. I wonder how he was able to tell what happened.

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