Chapter 8

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Virgil's P.O.V

It's been a few days and we're now approaching our castle. I've been anxious to get home because I want to talk to my brother and ask for his advice. 

"Are you alright son?" my father asks as we ride through the lower town. 

"I'm fine father. I just want to get home," I respond. 

"Did something happen?" he asks. I sigh. I want to tell him but I don't want to get into trouble. Or get Roman into trouble. Especially since he said he regretted what happened so it's not like I could ask my father to see if Roman's parents would allow us to be engaged. He doesn't want that and I won't force him. We finally reach the castle where my brother and his servant are waiting for us. I hop off of my horse as soon as I'm able and run over to my brother. The spellbook I took with me in hand. 

"I need to talk to you," I tell him. He seems surprised but nods anyway. "Tonight can you come to my chambers?" I ask quietly. 

"Of course," he says. 

"Thanks," I tell him.

I step back and stand next to him. 

"It's good to see you two talking but I'm not sure if I should be happy or concerned," my father says as he walks over to us. 

"Happy of course. Seems my baby brother needs me for something. This is my time to shine as his big brother," Janus says. I roll my eyes but say nothing. 

"I see. Well I hope you're able to help your brother with whatever it is he won't tell me," father says as he looks at me. I give him a sweet smile. He looks amused before walking off to talk to his advisors. 

"Let me talk to father about how things were while you were gone. We'll go to your chambers after dinner," Janus tells me. I nod and make my way to the training grounds with the spellbook. Time for me to practice the spells I couldn't practice while in Bellamy.

Hours pass before I feel myself getting a bit worn out. 

"You've been out here for hours. Did your magic improve that much in the span of a month?" I hear my brother's servant Remus ask. 

"Yes. Having to push myself for hours at a time really helped build up how much magic I can expend and how long," I explain. He nods. 

"Dinner will be served. Your brother sent me to get you," he says. 

"Let me drop this off in my chambers and then I'll head to the dining hall," I tell him. He nods again and leaves. I make my way to my chambers, drop off the book and then head to the dining hall just as I said I would. When I arrive my brother and father are already there. Dinner is served.

When we're finished eating I excuse myself first. I head back to my chambers to wait for Janus. He arrives soon after with Remus in tow. Janus takes a seat on my bed and waits for me to talk. 

"I need your advice," I tell him. 

"Advice? For what?" he asks. 

"Okay. First I need to tell you everything that happened," I say and he nods. So I do. I tell him all that happened from the moment I arrived to the day before I left. 

"So he came to my balcony like he did every night but since I wasn't there he looked for me in my chambers. We talked for a bit but then he kissed me," I explain.

"He did what?!" Janus asks angrily. The candle next to him flares up. 

"That's not everything though. I kissed him back but then he said we shouldn't be doing it. I was disappointed but I understood. It made me sad and I'll admit I cried a little but that's not the point. Before I fell asleep though I figured he just meant we couldn't do it until we were engaged or something so I was happy again because I thought that we would have a future together," I continue on. 

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