Chapter 3

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Roman's P.O.V

He gives me a grateful smile and sits down next to the water. 

"How long have you been able to use magic?" I ask as I sit next to him. 

"My whole life. I was born with it. Just like my father and my brother," he says. 

"Amazing. What kind of spells can you use or can you only freeze things?" I ask curiously. 

"No. I can use all kinds of spells. Some need incantations while others like the one I just used only need the magic," he explains. 

"Wow. You know that those flowers only last a few days right?" I say hesitantly. I don't want to make him upset but I felt he should know. 

"I'm aware but I have magic so I can do this," he says and holds the flower in his hands. 

"Tempus manere adhuc," he adds and his eyes glow purple. So does the flower for a brief moment. 

"There," he says proudly, "If it isn't physically crushed or damaged that should keep it fresh practically forever."

"You're amazing," I say with a smile, not realizing I'm staring at him. He looks over and catches me. He gets a light blush on his face as he looks down at the flower. 

"My father or brother could easily do the same," he says with embarrassment. 

"Perhaps but I don't think that makes you any less amazing," I tell him. 

"Do you compliment all the boys you meet Prince Roman?" he says with a chuckle. 

"Only the cute ones," I say with a grin. He looks at me with a small smile. Then he rolls his eyes playfully. 

"So what do you do for fun around here?" he asks. 

"Well as crown Prince there's only so much I'm allowed to do. I like swimming, sword training and scaring the life out of the servants. Among other things," I respond.

"How do you do that?" he asks. 

"It's actually pretty easy and works every time. All I have to do is disappear for a while. So I just hide when they aren't looking and when they leave I go hang out at my secret spots," I explain. 

"Sounds like you're a bit of a menace to the servants," he says amused. 

"It's all in good fun and I'd never do anything to actually get them in trouble. My mother finds it amusing. My father less so but he doesn't mind as long as I take care of my responsibilities," I tell him. 

"What about you? What do you like to do for fun?" I ask. 

"I practice my magic which actually involves a lot of reading. Not that I mind. I like reading. I also like training with my dagger though," he says. 

"You fight with a dagger?" I ask. 

"Yeah. I'm kind of hopeless with a sword. Besides, my mom fought with a dagger as well. So it kind of makes me feel closer to her since I carry hers with me. I never really met her," he tells me.

"How come?" I ask. 

"She passed giving birth to me," he says. 

"Oh. I'm sorry. That must be hard," I say softly. 

"It's alright. I mean my father always tells me stories about her and sometimes even my brother will tell me what he remembers so I feel like I know her despite never meeting her," he explains. 

"I heard your mom is sick. How is she doing?" he adds. 

"She has good and bad days. I try to see her everyday but sometimes things come up. Despite that I tell her everything," I say. He nods in understanding. We continue talking for a long time just getting to know each other. He's rather interesting. I enjoy talking to him. I feel as if I could do this all day long. Just talk to him.

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