Chapter 7

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Roman's P.O.V

"Want to see something pretty?" Virgil asks. 

"I've already seen you but sure," I say easily. He looks forward. 

"Lux et chorus," he says and holds out his hand. All of the candles light up. The flames lift and fly straight to his hand. They begin to dance around in a circular formation. I smile as I watch them. 

"Beautiful right?" he asks me. I look at him and see his eyes are glowing. 

"Very," I say, not looking away from him. He glances at me and sees me looking at him. The flames all burst into little fireworks. 

"Did you mean to do that?" I ask when he looks shocked. 

"No. I lost focus. Good thing it was such a small spell," he says. 

"Did I distract you?" I ask. He doesn't respond. He just waves his hands saying something under his breath. His eyes glow for a second before only the candle next to his bed reignites.

"Your eyes are absolutely beautiful," I tell him. He looks at me surprised before giving me a small smile. I look at his lips. 

"I talked to Patton," he says, changing the subject. 

"Yeah? What did you two talk about?" I ask, forcing myself to look him in the eye. 

"Him writing to me and I told him it was okay if he called me by my name when we were alone or with you and Logan," he responds. 

"I'm assuming you haven't spoken to Logan yet," I say and he nods. 

"I'll talk to him before I leave for sure," he says. "He kind of intimidates me though," he adds. 

"Yeah. Logan tends to do that," I say with a chuckle. He smiles, making me look back at his lips. 

"I wonder if your lips are as soft as they look," I say out loud when I only meant to think it. He looks at me, mouth open with surprise. He then quickly closes it.

I move closer and lean in. He doesn't push me away so I kiss his lips before pulling back enough to look him in the eye. He's looking at me but not saying anything. Just as I'm about to apologize he looks down and bites back a smile. I would expect him to be angry. He looks back up and his smile is gone but he doesn't seem particularly upset. 

"You're not mad?" I just have to ask. 

"No," he says but doesn't elaborate on why not. Instead he seems to be struggling either with saying or doing something. I think this because he looks at me for a second then looks down and just barely shakes his head. 

"Is there something you want to say?" I ask but he shakes his head. 

"Is there something you want to do?" I ask. He doesn't respond but I can tell that I'm right and he wants to do something.

"Do you want to hit me?" I ask. Maybe he is mad about the kiss but doesn't want to hit me in fear of retaliation from my father. 

"I mean you can if you want-" I try to say but he cuts me off. 

"No! It's not that. I don't want to hit you. I want to.." he says but trails off. 

"Whatever it is you want to do you can do it. It's only fair after I kissed you like that without permission," I tell him. 

"I can do anything?" he asks and I nod. 

"Close your eyes and no matter what happens keep them closed until I say so. Is that okay?" he asks. I respond by closing my eyes. Nothing happens for a long minute. Finally I feel a soft pressure on my lips. It lasts for only a second before it's gone. I keep my eyes closed as I promised. 

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