the start of the hunt of the scientists

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It has been about two weeks since they meet Jim and saw us work together. I have visited the avengers tower a couple of times so Tony can work on his armor making  for Jim. While Jim was with him I hanged out with Nat or Thor depending on who was less occupied with things. Tony has said Jim has been behaving really well with him but the only reason I think he is so he still get the armor he making.

Jim keeps walking around and seeing all the interesting suits and gadgets he has. While he was working on the shaping of the armor Jim found a laser repulser on the table. He hit it and it made a small hole in the wall. Tony asked him if he wants a laser and he responded back with trying to take the laser towards him. A few days after that he came to the cabin with a present.

" Hey sweet, do you know where Jim is? I have a gift for him." Tony said. Right after he said that Jim popped up beside him.

" I guess jim was behind you the whole time. Weren't you Jim?" I asked. He just chatter and nodded after I said that. They both went inside and he opened the box up. He put a belt like thing in the middle of Jim.

" Jim, say in you little terrifying mind power on" Tony said. Jim did what he said and the armor turned on.

" This is so cool! Wait there a translator is this?" Jim said

" Yes there is, but do not abuse it. I heard from three people that you like to flirt with females. I see you use it for that I am turning it off. I made one for you since he basically is joined to you" Tony said

" Thank you, we are going to go and take a look at a lead for the scientists." I said

We left shortly after to go to a hydra compound. Steve told me that the winter soldier is his old friend bucky. I promised I would bring him back alive so he can be freed from their grasp. There is a high chance he is in that compound. When we landed Jim went and started causing chaos with his laser while I was sneakily entering the compound.

I found the computer information room when I got hit by someone. When I got back up I saw it was the winter soldier. We were fighting for a little bit. I was able to knock his mask off and sprayed calmative air spray made to clear people of being mind control. After a min he woke back up but as himself this time. He held them off while I was getting the information to hunt them down.

As soon as I got it we left to go to my ship to leave. We both got on and in the seats then Jim jumped inside the ship right before we took off. I put it on auto pilot and unbuckled, that's when Jim jumped on me.

" What is that thing doing here?" Bucky said.

" This is Jim and he is my pet beetle." I said back.

" Keep him far away from me, I do not want to see that freaky thing" chattering sounds come from Jim. I started laughing after what Jim said.

" Why are you laughing?" He asked

" Jim said he does not want to be around your bad breath anyways." I said.

" I do not have bad breath"

" Well if Jim said you have bad breath then you might need to eat a whole bag of mints" I said trying to hold in my laugh.

We landed back at the cabin and us three walk inside. Steve was there wating for bucky and fury was there for the info I got from the compound. The three left while I was having a nice bath and jim was taking a little nap in the ground. Soon they will be dealt with and I can return home.

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