the fall of the Redroom and Heimdall

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I woke up in a cell of the floating Redroom. I was put right by "Nat" cell. Alexei was talking and taking while she was opening her and mine cell. We opened his cell and he was shock. She pulled her masked off showing that it was actually Melina.

" Hey it yelena, it's your have a two inch balde concluded on your belt line." I heard fighting happening for a good sec or two.

" You could not tell me sooner?" Yelena said.

"Don't throw a fit, there was not time." Melina said. He tried to talk but he did not have an ear piece in.

" Where did he take the vial?" Yelena saud

" probably down to cold storage. Dreakoy still has the widow under control so you have to expose them to the antidote." Melania said to yelena

" I am going to go to find Abaddon and I will meet back up with you two." I said

" See you soon sweet" they said before going on there way.

I went to the lab area of the building. I killed some guards and used their weapons to get their. I came across him at his desk. He looks up and see me.

" Your other five friends have been dealt with, time to finish you lovey group off once for all." I said as I pointed the pistol to his head.

" I know you would be the one to go after us. Your family always tries to stop us from building our small business in your home town. At least I was able to kill them before I died." Abaddon said.

" You will pay for your evil deeds you have done, Goodbye bitch." I said right before pulling the triggers shooting him in the head. I made my way back to the cell. I see them two talking. The elevator door open and taskmaster showed up.

" Melina go and do what you need to do. We will hold taskmaster off." I said. Me and Alexi focused on trying to knock them out. I tried to hit him in the back but he blocked it. We were getting tossed around. After about 3 mins we were able to knock them into one of the cells and close it. I head to where Nat would be and I see a lot of black widows fighting her. I went in and throw a couple on the ground. I grab one of the sticks and held them off right by Nat. Shortly after the red chemical compound was spread and all of them were free.

" Get as far away from here as possible, you get to make your own Choices now." Nat said to them." Nat said. We stayed to get all the information about the Redroom before we left. Once we got the information we got to the helicopter. We made our way out while it was blowing up. Out of no where taskmaster droped and nailed Nat hard. I held them and pulled there helmet off while fighting. I found out that it a female and she pushed to the ground. Nat dropped the red Vail freed her mind.

The one with the freed widow landed with Tony right by them. Nat, Jim and I got on while her Famliy got on the widow one. We made our way back while they figure out what to do next.

Three years later

I walk up to a grave stone with Nat, Jim and Yelena beside me. I kneel down and place some lily of the valley down. I also put down a special medal on there garve as well.

" It will get better, I know it will." Nat said.

" I know, I still miss them" I said sadly

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