the birth of altron

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It been four months since we put together the Redroom symbol. We have not found any details about where they are located at. Jim and Tony has been working on small approvements on his armor. Thor and I spend some time watching some TV shows.
Sometimes people join us if they have time to. We been hunting down hydra base to look for Loki specter. Thor filled me in that Loki is his brother and a god of mischief; he sounds like a pain.

They all went into the guinget while I followed behind them in my own ship. We landed close by and went in to take Loki scepter back. Steve got on his bike and Thor went to deal with the guard towers. Tony went up close to the compound to take down the forcefield and Bruce turned into hulk to help deal with the heavy units Clint, Nat and I were trying to take small groups in the woods out at a time.

After a little while we saw a blur run by and stop Clint's arrow. He got hit by a bunker gun shot though his shield and has his left ribcage damage. Nat ran over to him to move him then Bruce smash it. I telled Jim to go and help the other, Nat and I have him covered. Tony eventually got in and found the specter. After a little while Steve was pushed down the stairs by a unknown female by some sort of magic. After we all got back to our ships we left to go back home. I flew back to my cabin while they all went back to the tower.

The next couple days I stayed at my cabin fixing it and relaxing. Jim has been staying inside for most of the days and night so he does not have to deal with the cold snow. I added a laboratory in the basement to try to figure out a cure from resources on Earth. Jim has been staying around me around the house when I move because he still dealing with losing me that one day. I am enjoying today because tomorrow night I will be doing something I have not done for 3 years.

Tony got me a custom made dress from a high gualty company. It is a red mid length dress with embeaed stones. Jim and I are skipping the main party so we have less interaction with people and for me to not get hit hard by the big city PTSD. Fury picked me up around 11pm and take me to the tower for the the party. Once we got there all the avengers was left. I grab a beer or two from the bar and head over there. Jim goes behind the bar to hide.

We were just talking when Thor challenges Clint to lifting his hammer. Clint tried to lift it and he failed at it. Tony tried it, even with help from Rhodes and they were not able to lift it. Bruce tried to pick it up and it did not work. Steve went up it it moved just a smudged. I went up to move it and I felt a surge of electricy go into me. Thor looked at me and had a small smile on his face.

After a little more talking we hear a ringing noise coming from out of the main room. Then we see a damaged rescue bot come into the room. He keeps saying how we are the planets sickness and the humans need to evolve. After a little bit a couple of robots came out and started actacking us. Nat and Bruce jumped behind the bar. Jim looked at Nat and said to her throw me. Nat throwed Jim and he landed on one of the robots face. After he lowered it enough I jumped on the back of it and ripped out the power core.

After we clean the mess up we figured out that the ai Tony was trying to extract corrupted the robots and stole the specter. Jarvis was massively damage form fighting Ultron. After a little bit of arguing I went back to my cabin to get into more comfy clothes and get some sleep after that crazy ending of a day.

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